For a limited time, there is a chance to receive a Jem’Hadar Attack Ship or Lobi…
For a limited time, there is a chance to receive a Jem'Hadar Attack Ship or Lobi Crystals upon opening a Fleet Support Duty Officer Pack before they’re discontinued. Read more through the link below for full details.Duty Officer Pack Promosto.pe…
Jump in-game now to participate in our special Duty Officer event that is runnin…
Jump in-game now to participate in our special Duty Officer event that is running until 10am PDT on Thursday, March 28, 2013. Check out the article through the link below for full details.Junior Officer Appreciation Event sto.perfectworld.comPlay Star …
Hello Captains! If you were a member of a Klingon House, which one would it be?…
Hello Captains! If you were a member of a Klingon House, which one would it be? Qapla'!
We have just released information about the fourteenth Starbase Featured Project…
We have just released information about the fourteenth Starbase Featured Project! Read about it now in the Dev Blog linked below. http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=832821
“Some will fall.” http://sto.perfectworld.com/sto_may2013
"Some will fall." http://sto.perfectworld.com/sto_may2013
Heading to MegaCon in Orlando this weekend? Check out the article through the li…
Heading to MegaCon in Orlando this weekend? Check out the article through the link below to learn about how you can obtain a special in-game Duty Officer and character title for attending.MegaCon 2013sto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-…
Hello Captains! If you had the chance, would you prefer to serve on a space stat…
Hello Captains! If you had the chance, would you prefer to serve on a space station or a starship?
We’ve added a new image to our May 2013 teaser site… “Some will fall.” http:…
We've added a new image to our May 2013 teaser site… "Some will fall." http://startrekonline.com/sto_may2013
Hello Captains! If humans were to have made first contact with a species other t…
Hello Captains! If humans were to have made first contact with a species other than Vulcans, which would you have wished it was?
In this week’s episode of Podcast UGC, Lead Designer Al “CaptainGeko” Rivera sto…
In this week's episode of Podcast UGC, Lead Designer Al "CaptainGeko" Rivera stops by to chat about STO and answer community submitted questions. Listen to it now through the link below.Podcast UGC Interviews CaptainGekosto.perfectworld….