Games.com rates Star Trek Online as the 5th best Free-to-Play MMORPG on Steam!
Games.com rates Star Trek Online as the 5th best Free-to-Play MMORPG on Steam!Top 10 Free-to-Play MMORPGs on Steamblog.games.comMMO Attack is dedicated to bringing gamers current news in MMO gaming, entertaining content, and best of all; free stuff! On…
Hello Captains! Archer had Porthos, but what type of companion pet would you hav…
Hello Captains! Archer had Porthos, but what type of companion pet would you have aboard your starship with you?
We’ve added a new image to our May 2013 teaser site… “Our shadow will dim…
We've added a new image to our May 2013 teaser site… "Our shadow will dim the stars." http://startrekonline.com/sto_may2013
We have added more past spotlighted STO Foundry missions to the ‘Spotlight Missi…
We have added more past spotlighted STO Foundry missions to the 'Spotlight Missions' archive in-game! Check out the details now through the link below.Spotlight on the Foundrysto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-to-Play MMO tha…
Hello Captains! Sisko or Janeway?
Hello Captains! Sisko or Janeway?
This month’s featured ship is the B’rel Bird-of-Prey Retrofit! It is available t…
This month's featured ship is the B'rel Bird-of-Prey Retrofit! It is available to Klingon Defense Force Lieutenant Generals and comes equipped with Enhanced Battle Cloak. Read more about it here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=828881
The GMT timeslot of the Community Vault Shuttle Event begins in just 45 minutes!…
The GMT timeslot of the Community Vault Shuttle Event begins in just 45 minutes! More information, including info about the PST/EST timeslot that is later today, can be found through the link below. We'll see you in-game in orbit of New Romulus. D…
STO’s Duty Officer System was just named the second best creative MMO minigame b…
STO's Duty Officer System was just named the second best creative MMO minigame by Massively.com! Read more here: http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/02/28/the-perfect-ten-creative-mmo-minigames/
Don’t miss out before this offer warps away! Until Friday, March 1, 2013 (3:…
Don't miss out before this offer warps away! Until Friday, March 1, 2013 (3:00 PM PST), players will receive an additional 15% bonus when purchasing ZEN through select payment processors.* Full details can be found here: http://sto.perfectworld….
Want to see Massively.com cover STO in their next “Choose My Adventure”? Vote fo…
Want to see Massively.com cover STO in their next "Choose My Adventure"? Vote for STO today here: http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/02/27/choose-my-adventure-quartet-edition/Choose My Adventure: Quartet edition | Massivelymassively.joystiq.co…