in work. Needs more details / updates
Delivery in Old Man Star / Quafe Station. 10k Fuel included. Mods on local market.
Orca / Bowhead / Freighters can be delivered to Villore
Listed prices are a rough estimate. Depends on stock / taxes / mineral value.
Carrier (1.25b)
- Nidhogur
- Thanatos
- Chimera
- Archon
Fax (1.25b)
- Ninazu
- Lif
- Minokawa
- Apostle
Dreads (1.75b)
- Revelation
- Phoenix
- Moros
- Naglfar
Freighter (1.2b)
- Obelisk
- Charon
- Fenrir
- Providence
- Rorqual (2.25b)
- Orca (650m)
- Bowhead (1.25b)
Cap Mods
Armor reps
- Athanor
- Astrahus
- Raitaru