What’s your top Dilithium Mining score?
What's your top Dilithium Mining score?
STO Audio Drama ‘Star Trek: Starfinder’ has released their first episode! Chec…
STO Audio Drama 'Star Trek: Starfinder' has released their first episode! Check it out now through the link below, or from iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/star-trek-starfinder/id590067705?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4Star Trek: S…
Star Trek Online won the recent Massively.com poll for the upcoming “Choose My A…
Star Trek Online won the recent Massively.com poll for the upcoming "Choose My Adventure" column! Thanks for all of your votes! What should Elliot do in STO first? Vote today through the link below to let him know.Choose My Adventure: Inter…
The team at PrimetimeUGC has released their interview with Producer ZeroniusRex….
The team at PrimetimeUGC has released their interview with Producer ZeroniusRex. Check out the interview, made completely with the Foundry, through the link below.PrimetimeUGC Interviews ZeroniusRexsto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-to…
Hello Captains! Tribbles or Targs?
Hello Captains! Tribbles or Targs?
“Our shadow will dim the stars.” http://sto.perfectworld.com/sto_may2013
"Our shadow will dim the stars." http://sto.perfectworld.com/sto_may2013
A new Star Trek Online Literary Challenge has been posted! Check out “Redux” and…
A new Star Trek Online Literary Challenge has been posted! Check out "Redux" and participate through the link below.Literary Challenge #40 : Redux – Star Trek Onlinesto-forum.perfectworld.comLiterary Challenge #40 : Redux Ten Forward
Community Member and Foundry Guru CerberusFilms has written a Guest Blog that sh…
Community Member and Foundry Guru CerberusFilms has written a Guest Blog that shares details about the upcoming Foundry Authors Academy and how you can get involved. Check out the details now through the link below.Guest Blog: Foundry Authors Academyst…
Our friends over at Neverwinter will be starting their next Beta Test on March 8…
Our friends over at Neverwinter will be starting their next Beta Test on March 8! Become a Founder for guaranteed access and exclusive items: http://nw.perfectworld.com/founderspack The crew of the Enterprise-F passes along their congratulations to …
A couple of weeks ago, STOIC sat down to talk with Executive Producer Daniel Sta…
A couple of weeks ago, STOIC sat down to talk with Executive Producer Daniel Stahl about STO's past, present and future. The video interview is now available for viewing through the link below.STOIC Interviews dStahlsto.perfectworld.comPlay Star T…