We just added a new wallpaper to the STO wallpaper gallery. Download the new Leg…
We just added a new wallpaper to the STO wallpaper gallery. Download the new Legacy of Romulus wallpaper here today: http://sto.perfectworld.com/media/wallpapers
Hello Captains! What Star Trek episode or movie that features the Romulans is yo…
Hello Captains! What Star Trek episode or movie that features the Romulans is your favorite? STO episodes count, too!
We have just released information about the fifth Embassy Featured Project! Read…
We have just released information about the fifth Embassy Featured Project! Read about it now in the Dev Blog linked below.Season 7 Dev Blog #41sto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-to-Play MMO that puts you in the center of the Star Trek…
The playable Romulan ships are turning out amazing, and we are excited to reveal…
The playable Romulan ships are turning out amazing, and we are excited to reveal more designs in the not too distant future! Which of these 4 are your favorite?
Hello Captains! What will you name your first Romulan Republic character when Le…
Hello Captains! What will you name your first Romulan Republic character when Legacy of Romulus launches this May? http://www.legacyofromulus.com/
Thanks to our friends at the Star Trek.com Shop, we’re excited to offer Star Tre…
Thanks to our friends at the Star Trek.com Shop, we're excited to offer Star Trek Online fans the chance to win a Star Trek Spock Oven Mitt*! *Rules and restrictions apply, read the article through the link below for full details.StarTrek.com Shop…
Play with the devs on the test server, Tribble today at 4pm PDT! Take on the Cr…
Play with the devs on the test server, Tribble today at 4pm PDT! Take on the Crystalline Entity with an army of STO developers! http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=591931Play With the Devs Event – Crystalline Entity [On Tribble] – Star…
Star Trek Online’s first expansion, Legacy of Romulus, has just been revealed! V…
Star Trek Online's first expansion, Legacy of Romulus, has just been revealed! Visit our overview site at www.legacyofromulus.com for full expansion details. Are you ready to build your legacy? 05.21.13
The votes are in and we have a winner for Foundry Challenge #6! Learn about the…
The votes are in and we have a winner for Foundry Challenge #6! Learn about the winning mission now through the link below.Foundry Challenge #6 Winnersto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-to-Play MMO that puts you in the center of the Sta…
For just about one more week, there is a chance to receive a Jem’Hadar Attack Sh…
For just about one more week, there is a chance to receive a Jem'Hadar Attack Ship or Lobi Crystals upon opening a Fleet Support Duty Officer Pack. Full details here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=833421