15% Off Skill Extractor Packs!
We’re happy to announce that from now through until midnight on December 2nd, there will be a 15% discount on Skill Extractor packs in the New Eden Store. This discount applies to the 5x and 10x packs of Skill Extractors, and is now available in the New Eden Store in game! This sale will end…
2017/12/05 – Arms Race Release Deployment Information
We’re happy to announce that the Arms Race release will be deployed on Tuesday, December 5th 2017, during regularly scheduled daily downtime. Daily down time will begin as normal at 11:00 UTC, and will run for 15 minutes. We expect that …
Galactic News: New Aegis Initiative
Aegis has announced plans to dramatically expand its research division with the creation of over twenty new laboratories, situated at starports across the galaxy. Professor Alba Tesreau, Aegis’s chief scientific advisor, gave the following statement t…
Dev Vlog: In Development November 2017
This EVE Online in-development video features everything coming out in December, leading up to the Arms Race release due 5 December. Features include the new expanded Alpha Clone skillset, allowing free players to train cross-faction skills and fly any…
First Marshal Loss in Black Rise
As you may already know, CCP has decided to give out special, limited edition ships to all attendants of EVE Vegas and EVE Fanfest. Specifically, these ships are, according to lore, made by CONCORD for use by their agents. Fanfest visitors have receive…
ATV Anniversary Special
Chris Roberts and Sandi Gardiner host today’s episode focused on MISC and featuring an update on the Prospector and Hull C. And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/subscriptions
Revenant Down in Aunenen
At roughly 12:35 on 12th of November, YC119, a Revenant super carrier was spotted warping to a safe spot from the Aunenen free port citadel. Soon after, the Revenant was scanned down and destroyed. The Revenant is a rare vessel as it is a supercarr…