Galactic News: Fifth Aegis Campaign Concludes
An Aegis spokesperson has confirmed that the organisation’s campaign in the Electra system has come to an end. The operation was designed to reduce the number of Thargoids operating in the system, and to gather Thargoid material for Aegis’s ongoing res…
Community Goal: Rogue Runners Appeal
The Rogue Runners, an independent group based in the Run system, have announced plans to restore and expand Leif Enterprise, an asteroid base in their home system. The organisation has expressed hope that the renovated base will become a manufacturing …
Fanfest 2018 Ticket Holders Holiday Prize Draw!
Tickets for Fanfest 2018 are selling fast, and there’s only around 20 early bird tickets left in the run up to the holiday season! Be sure to get them as soon as you can by heading over to the Fanfest website, to avoid missing out on what …
Counterpoint: Yokai is a Verb Now – The Framing of S.E.C.T.I.O.N. 8
It wasn’t long ago that our own Curt Adrano flayed Sarra Somers and the Yokai alliance for newbro exploitation. Yokai’s misdeeds sent shockwaves through the EVE community and sparked a multilateral armed response. Mass newbro entrapment is …
ATV Anniversary Special
Chris Roberts and Sandi Gardiner host today’s episode focused on RSI and featuring an update on the Constellation Phoenix and Orion Mining Platform. And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/subscript…
When Preparation Pays Off : 150+ Billion ISK Destroyed in CHP-76
In an impressive show of coordination and determination, an allied force of L A Z E R H A W K S [HAWKS] and Hole Control [HOLE] under the leadership of Hard Knocks Citizens [HKRAB] destroyed ships from inPanic [-INP-] valued at about 156 billion ISK while suffering only minimal losses of about 200 million ISK value. The…
Galactic News: Starport Status Update
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference. The following starports are currently closed: Maupertuis Dock, Zhao Jeury Port, Regi Rotsler Enterprise, Bogatiku …
Watch This: Spaceship GOLEM first Flight
Here is a neat video from youtuber Dirk Steffens showcasing what seems to be the result of endless hours of work. A close Golem fly-by. The level of detail Dirk Steffens devoted to this Golem model is out of this world. In my teen years, when I was an …