Dev Post: Februrary Balance Update – Assault Frigates and Assault Damage Controls
Hello! As many of you have already noticed, we have some changes coming in February to Assault Frigates as well as a new Assault Damage Control module type, which can only be used by Assault Frigates and Heavy Assault Cruisers. Assault Damage Controls …
Upwell Changes: A Lesson to the Community
Yesterday, CCP Fozzie announced on the official forums concerning the Upwell 2.0 changes. You can read it in full here. In summary, three modifications were announced: No GTFO module No 5-minute fitting period after anchoring Doubling final vulnerabili…
Dev Post: Upwell 2.0 – Structures Changes follow up
Hello again everyone! Thanks again for the continued discussion. I’ve finally caught up with the new posts in this thread and today I’m able to share with you all a few changes to the the plan that we’re making based on your feedback so far. We’re remo…
Watch This: The 9-4RP2 Keepstar Defence Part 2: The Vulture Patrol
[Disclaimer: Yossarian Yassavi is a member of Darkness., an alliance fighting on the Northern side of the conflict, but his opinions do not necessarily reflect those of Eve News24, his alliance or his corporation.] So much hype went into the buildup of…
Jump Point Now Available!
Attention development subscribers: the January 2018 issue of Jump Point is now available in your subscription area.
Dev Blog: Encouraging Signals – A Project Discovery Update
To discuss this Devblog, click this link to head over to the EVE Online forums. A message from François Bouchy, Maxime Marmier and Oliver Turner – members of Michel Mayor’s team in Switzerland. In July 2017, all 176,802 light curves obtained by the CoR…
Watch This: A Drug Induced Loki Joyride
Wormhole space hunting is one of those niche areas of the PVP realm that requires almost as much brains as it requires balls of steel. Given that WH space is “No Country for Noob Man”, more often than not, the pilot on the other ship will b…
WIP: New Stasis Web Implants and Cerebral accelerators on Sisi
An interesting reveal came in the hoboleaks portal with the addition of three new stasis webbifier implants on the Singularity build registry. The items are currently being referred as “Guardians Gala Special Implant“, they use up the 8th i…