This Week in Star Citizen

Hey everyone,

Last week, we launched our newly redesigned website which is now organized into three sections providing easier navigation for veterans and rookies alike. With the new website, we also released our new Roadmap with insight into Star Citizen’s development process. The Roadmap feeds directly from our internal task managing tool Jira and displays tasks, features and optimizations we plan to rollout during the year. With this new level of transparency, we want to give everyone an idea of where we want to go with our next development milestones.

We’ve been busy rounding up all of the feedback and look forward to hearing more. Make sure to swing by our feedback thread on Spectrum to share your thoughts.

With that, let’s see what’s going on this week:

Monday: We’re kicking off the week with another episode of one our newest shows, Calling All Devs. This week, we discuss the future of player groups, medical gameplay, the Voyager Direct store and more. You can watch the episode here.

Tuesday: the Lore Team is back to publish their regularly scheduled weekly lore post. Curious what they have up their sleeve? Make sure to check out the 2018 Lore Release Schedule here.

Wednesday: BBUUGGGSSMASSHERSSS! Yes. That’s right! To the dismay of bugs everywhere Mark Abent returns, hammer in hand, ready to smash. You can catch the latest episode when it airs on our YouTube channel here.

Thursday: Around the Verse returns with the latest info from the Development team. This week, we’ll head to Frankfurt to hear what they’ve been up to in the latest Studio Update.

Wrapping up the week on Friday, Content Manager Jared Huckaby returns for another episode of Reverse the Verse LIVE. Make sure to tune in on at 8AM PST/4PM UTC! Keep an eye out in the Announcement section of Spectrum for the question gathering post early this week.

With that, we’ll see you in the ‘Verse!

Tyler Witkin
Lead Community Manager

The Weekly Community Content Schedule

            Calling All Devs   (

            Weekly Lore Post   (

            Subscriber’s Town Hall   (
            Bugsmashers!   (

            Around the Verse – Studio Update: Frankfurt   (
            Vault Update   

            Reverse the Verse LIVE   (
            Schedule Update   
            RSI Newsletter   

Community Spotlight: January 29th, 2018

We are constantly amazed by the contributions made by the Star Citizen community. Whether it’s fan art, a cinematic, a YouTube guide, or even a 3D print of your favorite ship, we love it all! Don’t forget to submit your content to our Community Hub for a chance at seeing it here!

Drake Dragonfly Wallpaper by Dowlphin

Dowlphin created a stunning Star Citizen wallpaper of the Drake Dragonfly titled “Dragonflight in the Darkness”. Awesome shot!

Check out the screenshot on our community hub.

Sunrise Screenshot by Osuga-San

Osuga-San captured an inspiring screenshot of a moon-side sunrise. What a sight to wake up to.

Check out this screenshot on the Community Hub here.
