The Million Dollar Baby: The Coalition of the North Wins EVE largest Battle ever.
Hours before the form up started, I found myself in a business meeting having a hard time explaining non-EVE players the concepts of Keepstars, hull timers, titans, supercaps, FCs, warp-ins, and grids. Even harder was explaining how important yesterday…
[Video] 9-4RP2 Keepstar Defence Part 1: The Fight That Broke Eve
[Disclaimer: Yossarian Yassavi is a member of Darkness., an alliance fighting on the Northern side of the conflict, but his opinions do not necessarily reflect those of Eve News24, his alliance or his corporation.] This time the hype broke Eve. The fig…
Whisperer in the Dark
Tonya Oriel watched the yawning abyss outside the window. The void. It was pure. It was simple. It was permanent.
* LIVE BLOG * MOAB – The Mother of All Battles (or blue balls)
Hey guys, its been ages since the last time I did a proper battle live blog. The 9-4RP2 Keepstar battle in Cloud Ring promise to be cemented in EVE history as one of the most massive EVE Online events ever made. In case you are wondering what’s a…
* LIVE * 9-4RP2 Keepstar Final Timer live Streams
With over 3000+ players lined up from each side, 9-4RP2 Keepstar battle promise to be either the most historic battle in EVE Online history or one of its biggest upset. Buckle up, the fireworks starts at 22:00 EVE time, as usual we’ll be doing li…
2018/01/25 – Mass Test On Singularity!
We are planning a mass test on Singularity for testing changes for the February release. This time we are testing a number of significant changes in the audio code and graphics engine, Upwell structure changes, and general client and server perf…
Octopus Red Flight SKINs Available For Selected Hulls!
We’re happy to announce that the Octopus Red Flight SKIN set has been made available in the New Eden Store for selected Caldari hulls: Cormorant – 190 PLEX Jackdaw – 190 PLEX Caracal – 230 PLEX Cerberus – 230 PLEX Drake – 230 PLEX Raven – 290 PLEX Golem – 290 PLEX Head on over…
Kirith Kodachi: EVE’s Premise Failure – Its Easier to Build Than Destroy
The side with the most soldiers wins. Until the other side brings a tank or two. Then the side with the most tanks wins… until the other side shows up with some aircraft. Then air superiority is the winning condition… until you start flingi…
Overview: 9-4RP2 Keepstar – Final Timer Pre-Game.
What in the world is going on? So, let’s say that you’re not in one of the major nullsec power blocs. Maybe you work for PC Gamer. Or live in wormholes. Wormholes are cool. Let’s go with that. You’ve poked your head out of the wormhole onto /r/Eve, and…