Tag: EVE News 24

  • Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #38

    The passing week has supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From ambient videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the past week: #1 Bombers Bar – The Rorqual Weekend: NOW FEATURING EREBUS KILL! by Olmeca Gold One of the first NPSI (Not…

  • Fade: V.O.I.D. Hel Destroyed in a Bloody Battle in DO6H-Q

    DO6H-Q system, Fade region. On the 24th of November at 8:05 EVE Standard Time, a battle unfolded in the system which resulted in the loss of a Hel super carrier. The battle was sparked by V.O.I.D. [V01D] alliance which attempted, quite successfully, to draw a capital battle from its neighbor Brave Collective [BRAVE]. V.O.I.D. assembled…

  • Tribute hangs in the balance as M-OEE8 comes under siege

    There has been almost two months of continuous fighting in the Tribute Region which has seen the invading forces of Northern Coalition and Pandemic Horde square off against Circle Of Two with their allies Test Alliance Please Ignore in what has been called the TESTCO or Circle of Test coalition. The invaders, for many weeks,…

  • Tribute hangs in the balance as M-OEE8 comes under siege

    There has been almost two months of continuous fighting in the Tribute Region which has seen the invading forces of Northern Coalition and Pandemic Horde square off against Circle Of Two with their allies Test Alliance Please Ignore in what has been called the TESTCO or Circle of Test coalition. The invaders, for many weeks,…

  • EVEsterdam 2016 Summary

    Between the 12th and 13th November a horde of EVE players descended on the city of Amsterdam in The Netherlands to take part in the largest player hosted EVE meet in the world, Evesterdam. The event was the 4th of its kind but the 3rd to be hold in the Compagnietheater. This year it was…

  • New Free-To-Play Player Alliance “PANCAKES” Hits EVE Online

    Alpha Clone States have arrived and now anyone can play Eve Online for free. Nobody could say for certain exactly what the end result would be from such a substantial change after thirteen years of strictly pay-to-play, but after a week of activity the results have been exceeding everyones expectations. It would appear that the…

  • Low Sec Rumble: Shadow Cartel Dreadnoughts Ambushed in Heydieles

    Heydieles system, Essence region. On the 20th of November at 17:59 EVE Standard Time, a Shadow Cartel [SHDWC] capital force was ambushed in the system by The Initiative. [INIT.] and Snuffed Out [B B C] forces. The Shadow Cartel force, a 60 pilot Nightmare battleship fleet with two capital squadrons, mainly composed of dreadnoughts, traveled to…

  • Battle Report Round Up #26

    The past week has supplied quite a few videos immortalizing conflicts around New Eden. This is a round up of a few of those battles: 12/11 Capital Battle in Curse   The H-ADOC system saw a major clash between several fleets over a citadel. A The Bastard Cartel [TBC] and Manifesto. [.M.] Nightmare battleship fleet…

  • Bobmon to Step Down as Editor in Chief

    As of today, Bobmon of Habitual Euthanasia, Pandemic Legion [-10.0] and member of the Council of Stellar Management (CSM) XI will be stepping down as Editor in Chief (EiC) of EVE News 24. Bobmon has served in this capacity for 4 long years, helping to shape the site and its staff as well as using…

  • Wicked Creek: Capital Escalation Between Heathens and The Bastard Cartel/Manifesto

    Disclaimer: EN24’s reporter, Muffin Paladin, is a member of the Iron Armada, one of the alliances featured in this conflict. That being said, every effort to remove bias is being made. EIH-IU, Wicked Creek region. On the 19th of November at 0300 Eve Standard Time, an engagement between the Heathen Coalition, comprised of Feign Disorder…