Syndicate: DP34-U Sees a Costly Battle Between Locals and The Initiative.
DP34-U system, Syndicate region. On the 19th of November at 5:43 EVE Standard Time, a capital brawl unfolded in the system between The Initiative. [INIT.] and local residents. In the last few weeks, residents of the Syndicate region have come under increased pressure from the Initiative. With the Cloud Ring region secured, the Initiative sought…
Catch: Fortizar Citadel Sparks a Massive Battle in V-3YG7
V-3YG7 system, Catch region. On the 17th of November at 20:25 EVE Standard Time, a battle unfolded in the system involving no less than 1,600 players. Vanguard Coalition (VG) forces have been waging a brutal campaign against The Volition Cult [VOLT], taking systems, destroying infrastructure and reinforcing assets such as Fortizar citadels. One of these…
Pew4Reps to Hold a Fleet to Raise Awareness for Broadcast4Reps
On the 20th of November at 19:00 EVE Standard Time, a Pew4Reps fleet will assemble in the Jita system of the Forge region in order to raise awareness for the Broadcast4Reps initiative. The goal of the fleet, as stated by FullMetalTS1, is to give exposure to the group as well as to have fun. The…
Scalding Pass Gets Hotter: Heathen Coalition vs. Manifesto/The Bastard Cartel
Disclaimer: EN24’s reporter, Muffin Paladin, is a member of the Iron Armada, one of the alliances featured in this conflict. That being said, every effort to remove bias is being made. KZFV-4, Scalding Pass region. On the 16th of November at approximately 0330 Eve Standard Time, the latest in a series of conflicts occurred between the…
Dev Blog: Fitting Simulation – Virtual Ship Fitting in EVE Online
Hi spacefriends! With the expansion EVE Online: Ascension we introduced the new Fitting Simulation, an in-game fitting tool which is integrated into the fitting window. Fitting Simulation will let you engage more easily in the fitting meta-game and will help capsuleers, young and old, learn more about the ships they are flying or want to…
Low Sec Rumble: Oijanen Erupts in Violence for a Third Time
Oijanen system, Lonetrek region. On the 15th of November at 19:00 EVE Standard Time, a large scale battle unfolded in the system between no less than 5 major fleets. The Oijanen system continues to star in headlines as the Drone Regions Federation (DRF) and Project.Mayhem. [16-13], backed by Snuffed Out [B B C], clashed in…
Bob’s Corner: Evesterdam CSM 11 Presentation
At Evesterdam, I gave a presentation about CSM 11. Enjoy!
Low Sec Rumble: Heated Battle over a Citadel in Oijanen
Oijanen system, Lonetrek region. On the 14th of November at 18:18 EVE Standard Time, Snuffed Out [B B C] and allies clashed once more with the Drone Regions Federation (DRF) in the system. The Oijanen system refuses to leave the headlines as Project.Mayhem. [16-13] and the DRF continue to battle over the few valuable moons…
PSA: Ascension Known Issue – Ships in SMA and Command Processors
Hello Capsuleers Characters flying ships with Ship Maintenance Arrays containing ships that were previously fitted with Command Processors before the Ascension Expansion are currently unable to warp or jump their ships as the Command Processors have been moved to the cargohold of the ship inside the Ship Maintenance Array. We will be fixing this issue…
Ascending to New Eden
After months of waiting, Ascension is finally upon us. Not only will this bring us many changes to the industry side of Eve, this will also bring what could be one of the biggest changes since the game’s launch: Alpha Clones. This new system, allowing anyone to create a fresh account with limited (but also…