Tag: EVE News 24

  • TEST alliance to evacuate to Obe

    Over the last 24 hours, there have been unconfirmed reports on reddit that Test Alliance Please Ignore (TEST) have begun preparations to evacuate assets from their current Nullsec home in Vale of the Silent and withdraw to the lowsec Caldari system of Obe in The Forge. Sources from other alliances have tentatively confirmed that the report…

  • Cloud Ring: Escalating Entropy Super Capitals Ambushed in 6-4V20

    6-4V20 system, Cloud Ring region. On the 10th of December at 20:30 EVE Standard Time, Escalating Entropy [CHAOS] lost 2 titans and 3 super carriers in the system to the combined force of Suddenly Spaceships [CYN0] and The Initiative. [INIT.]. The loss occurred during a fierce battle in the system over a Suddenly Spaceships Fortizar…

  • The Discourse: Drifters Are Back in Known Space

    Editor’s Note: The video and text below were reproduced with permission from the original creators.   This video is a small project we’ve been working on with Makoto Priano and Elinari Rhodan! ARC is a roleplaying alliance and since the lore side of Eve Online interests us very much, we decided to take it on…

  • * LIVE * Final Assault on the M-OEE8 KEEPSTAR

    The timer for final assault on M-OEE8 ticks around 18:00 EVE time, in case you would like to catch up we invite you to read our pre-game article by NCDOT’s Tiberius Stargazer published here. As for the shared streams we’ll have several streams to provide different POVs and we’ll use CCP’s twitch chat. enjoy! CCP…

  • Geminate: Nyx Destroyed During a Battle in K25-XD

    K25-XD system, Geminate region. On the 7th of December at 18:14 EVE Standard Time a battle unfolded in the system which led to the destruction of a Drone Regions Federation (DRF) Nyx super carrier and its supporting fleet. The battle was a result of a well planned trap set up by Scourge. [URGE.] and Project.Mayhem.…

  • Assault of the M-OEE8 Keepstar begins and CO2 withdraws

    Since last weeks article, gigX held a meeting to discuss the status of the war with Circle of Two / CO2 leadership. You can listen to the entire meeting below and find the reddit thread on this here. In short, gigX announced the withdrawal of CO2 from the tribute region and the re-stage in the…

  • Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #39

    The past few of weeks have supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From ambient videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the past weeks: #1 EvE Online – Panther – Solo PvP by Cosmo Blink Cosmo Blink returns in a new video, this…

  • Low Sec Rumble: WAFFLES. and Did he say Jump Brawl in Siseide

    Siseide system, Heimatar region. On the 6th of November at 21:40 EVE Standard Time, Did he say Jump [JMP-N] and WAFFLES. [N0MAD] forces clashed in the system in a bloody battle. WAFFLES instigated the fight by reinforcing a Did He say Jump tower in the Bosboger system, in order to draw them into the field.…

  • PSA: Removing the ability to deploy Outpost and Outpost upgrades – Dec. 13th

    As we announced in the Engineering Complex dev blog in October, the upcoming release on December 13th will remove the ability to deploy new Outposts and Outpost Upgrades in New Eden. This is a small first step in the long-term plan to gradually replace these legacy structures with newer Upwell technology. Any Outposts and Outpost…

  • Dev Post: [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance

    Hey everyone. We’ve been keeping a close eye on how people are using the newly rebalanced Rorquals and it’s been really exciting watching how well people have taken to the new gameplay. We have decided that we need to make a tweak in our December release next Tuesday to adjust the balance of mining Rorquals…