Tag: EVE News 24

  • Battle Report Round Up #27

    The past couple of weeks have supplied quite a few videos immortalizing conflicts around New Eden. This is a round up of a few of those battles: 3/12 Scourge. and allies versus Brave Collective   A battle over a Brave Collective [BRAVE] Raitaru engineering complex in DO6H-Q in Fade saw a Scourge. [URGE.] led Machariel…

  • The Story Behind the PNQY-Y Outpost

    Partially inspired by Tiberius StarGazer’s article on the last outpost constructed in New Eden, redditer darkrisingmitch shared his own story regarding the structures on r/eve. After being contacted by EVE News 24, he agreed to have his story published on our site, albeit edited for readers’ convenience. Released in the “Cold War” Expansion of June…

  • The Discourse: Highsec Custodians

      Welcome to The Discourse! A challenger approaches! In this week’s episode we talk about the dangers of traveling through high security systems and those who take the fight back to the gankers. Our guest – Thomas en Chasteaux – talks about the ambitious “Highsec Militia” and their plans for CODE. [CODE.].

  • Tribute Falls as CO2 Keepstar is Destroyed

    On December 10th the culmination of over two months of fighting ended in the destruction over the Circle of Two (CO2) Keepstar in their capital system of M-OEE8 in the Tribute region which hosted the single largest gathering ever witnessed in one system peaking at 5,337 and surpassing the original record of 4,920. Officially recorded…

  • Period Basis: Battle Erupts in XZ-SKZ

    XZ-SKZ system, Period Basis region. On the 11th of December at 20:18 EVE Standard Time, a battle unfolded in the system between Red Menace Coalition (RMC) forces and a coalition of Stain region residents backed by The-Culture [-T C-]. RMC had been helping its ally LowSechnaya Sholupen [-LSH-] in its disastrous campaign in the Fountain…

  • The last outpost to be anchored in New Eden

    With the launch of the YC118.10 patch we start the process of saying goodbye to perhaps the most familiar site in nullsec – player built outposts. The torch held by these structures for over ten years now as the homes of nullsec inhabitants will pass over to the new Citadels that have been steadily populating all…

  • Watch This: The Scope – M-OEE8 Conflict Culminates In Destruction Of CO2 Keepstar

    We are still preparing an in depth proper battle report for the humungus battle which took place this past weekend at the M-OEE8 solar system in Tribute, CCP Games on their part released their in-game / lore review of the event in their typical video form, check it out: The Scope – M-OEE8 Conflict Culminates…

  • PSA: Exploit Notification – Farming Mini Skill Injectors

    We would like to inform players that it is now considered an exploit to repeatedly acquire Mini Skill Injectors for any purpose other than for the use of a new character running through the New Player Experience released in Ascension. It is further specifically an exploit to transfer this item to any other character from…

  • Bat Country’s Revenge: The Story Behind the Dreadnought Bombing in D-W7F0

    D-W7F0 system, Delve region. On the 5th of December at 21:06 EVE Standard Time, Goonswarm Federation [CONDI] super capitals were ambushed in the system by a combined Pandemic Legion [-10.0], Hard Knocks Citizens [HKRAB] and Pandemic Horde [REKTD] force. The battle was the result of months of preparation and hard work from members of Bat…

  • Bat Country’s Revenge: The Story Behind the Dreadnought Bombing in D-W7F0

    D-W7F0 system, Delve region. On the 5th of December at 21:06 EVE Standard Time, Goonswarm Federation [CONDI] super capitals were ambushed in the system by a combined Pandemic Legion [-10.0], Hard Knocks Citizens [HKRAB] and Pandemic Horde [REKTD] force. The battle was the result of months of preparation and hard work from members of Bat…