Dev Blog: A closer look at the CSM 12 election results
Greetings Capsuleers During the EVE Keynote at Fanfest 2017 (you can watch it here), we announced the results of the Council of Stellar Management (CSM) 12 elections. These were the results: Innominate NoobMan Jin’taan The Judge Aryth Steve Ronuken Vince Draken Rhiload Feron-drake Suitonia Yukiko Kami For those not familiar with the CSM, they are…
Galactic News: Terrorist Salomé Killed
Imperial despatches have confirmed that Commander Salomé, also known as Kahina Tijani Loren, was killed in the Arumclaw system on the 29th of April by a bounty hunter known as ‘Besieger’. Salomé was escorted by several heavily armed vessels, but her Imperial Clipper ‘Seven Veils’ was nevertheless destroyed by weapons fire. Three commanders were seen…
Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Killtec’s guide: Null Sec Ratting at 60 mil per Hour
Some players have turned isk making into an exact science, with tales of 18mil wallet ticks and countless bookmarks to run the Maze in some remote system in the north. For others, this reality is a hidden knowledge of sorts. Fear no more, our good friend Killtec brings another comprehensive guide on how to play…
Miner Metrics 3/5/2017
A daily show giving a brief overview of the New Eden mineral market and its projections. The show presents the median prices, recent trends in supply and demand as well as advice on future changes in the market.
A closer look at the CSM 12 election results
Greetings Capsuleers During the EVE Keynote at Fanfest 2017 (you can watch it here), we announced the results of the Council of Stellar Management (CSM) 12 elections. These were the results: Innominate NoobMan Jin’taan The Judge Aryth Steve Ronuken Vince Draken Rhiload Feron-drake Suitonia Yukiko Kami For those not familiar with the CSM, they are…
Galactic News: Weekly Health Report
This report presents the latest data on health issues among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience famine: Kvenland Services AG+21 1754 Citizen Party Jamatia Central Corp. Traditional Siluruba Autocracy Marquis du HIP 110867 HIP 9610 Jet Legal Systems Waime Worker’s Party HIP 115314 aristocrats Nun Purple Mafia Jet Fortune Exchange…
StarWatch: Ancient Scandals
This week on StarWatch, Callie C takes a look back at one of the most scandalous celebrity scandals in the last two hundred years.
Miner Metrics 2/5/2017
A daily show giving a brief overview of the New Eden mineral market and its projections. The show presents the median prices, recent trends in supply and demand as well as advice on future changes in the market.
Galactic News: Weekly Security Report
This report presents the latest data on the security status of the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a lockdown: Ngaliba Blue Camorra Brotherhood of LP 98-132 Wolf 359 Blue Travel Commodities Priva Industry Nationalists of Aulin Opala Power Commodities Sifjar Group United Ither Justice Party Crimson Major Incorporated Independents of…