Month: May 2017

  • New Eden Turns 14 – Happy Anniversary!

    Today New Eden turns 14 years old and here at CCP, we’d like to wish a happy 14th anniversary to all our pilots across the globe! May 6th, 2003 marks the date when a flood of budding young intrepid pilots took to the skies with grand hopes and aspirations. 14 years on, those ideas and…

  • Monthly Economic Report – April 2017

    This is the Monthly Economic Report (MER) for April 2017.  The raw data and graphs that make up this report can be downloaded here (6 MB) All graphs in this report can be clicked to enlarge them for better viewing. This month’s economic report also includes a bonus graph, charting the top mining ships for the…

  • Headstart: Choosing a Corporation

    The corporation that you choose to play with in Eve Online is crucial to your story within the game world and your enjoyment of it. It has a huge impact on what facets of the game you end up playing and whom you end up playing them with. There are several factors and questions you…

  • Patch Notes & Downtime Information Now Available For 119.5 Release

    We are happy to announce that the 119.5 release will be deployed during an extended downtime on May 9th, 2017. The 119.5 release will bring a whole host of new features including the PLEX changes, Alliance Logos on Citadels, new models for the Pacifier and Enforcer, as well as the New Introduction Video that debuted…

  • Patch notes for 119.5 release

    Patch notes for 119.5 Release 1.8 Published on Tuesday, May 30th, 2017 Features & Changes   Defect Fixes PvE: The Blood Raider Sotiyo has the correct name. NPC Blood Raider Dreadnoughts will now take the correct amount of damage from the Torpedo Salvo and True Sacrifice abilities on Heavy Fighters. NPC Mining Operation Haulers warp…

  • Suddenly Spaceships: Summary of the Cloud Ring Campaign

    Editor’s note: The following is a campaign summary written up by members of Suddenly Spaceships [CYN0] This has only been edited for some readability but otherwise is presented as written. These are written for a internal target audience so readers should keep that in mind. The thoughts and statements below are from the author and not…

  • Subscriber Flash Sale!

    Gladius Valiant Subscriber Sale!…

  • Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report

    This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war: Ruchbah Industry Uru Federal Interstellar Junga Patron’s Principles Eranin Peoples Party Liberty Party of LP 751-1 Conservatives of HIP 41984 Luyten’s Star Co Luyten 674-15 Industries Dulos Defence Party Gandui Empire Group…

  • Johann Landier named EN24 Editor-In-Chief; Salivan to retire

    As of today, Salivan Harddin of Hoover Inc., Pandemic Legion [-10.0] will be stepping down as Editor in Chief (EIC) of Eve News 24(EN24). Salivan has served EN24 well in this capacity and his legacy will be a hard path to follow. He took the position with the stated goal of increasing the quality of the…

  • Around the Verse

    Chris Roberts and Sandi Gardiner share the Austin and Turbulent studio updates. They also share a look at dev ops, who make Star Citizen function. And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: