Month: May 2017

  • Galactic News: Fifth Colonia Appeal Concludes

    The fifth Colonia Council migration appeal has come to an end. Hundreds of organisations took part in the campaign, delivering huge quantities of material to Jaques Station in the hope of earning a place in the Colonia Nebula. The Council is now proce…

  • Community Goal: Alliance Outpost Campaign

    The Alliance has announced plans to construct a new outpost in the California Nebula and placed an open order for construction materials. An Alliance spokesperson outlined the nature of the initiative: “With the Federation and the Empire mired in hostility, it falls to the Alliance to pursue a more exploratory agenda. This new outpost will…

  • Community Goal: The Colonia Expansion

    The sixth Colonia migration appeal has now begun, giving the galaxy’s minor factions an opportunity to establish a permanent presence in the Colonia Nebula. A spokesperson for the council reminded the public of the migration process: “Pilots who to want to earn a migration visa for their chosen organisation should deliver the requested commodity to…

  • Galactic News: Order Restored in Cartoq

    The Cartoq Purple Major Organisation has announced that its campaign to clear the Cartoq system of agitators has been a success. Hundreds of pilots responded to the appeal, taking to their ships to eliminate the criminals operating in the system. Auth…

  • Galactic News: Sitakapan Expeditionary Forces Campaign Concludes

    A spokesperson for the Sitakapan Expeditionary Forces has announced that the group’s appeal for military-grade weapons and chemicals has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Russell Hub, the organisation’s base of operations. The Sitakapan Expeditionary Forces have extended their gratitude to those who supported the campaign.…

  • Miner Metrics 4/5/2017

    A daily show giving a brief overview of the New Eden mineral market and its projections. The show presents the median prices, recent trends in supply and demand as well as advice on future changes in the market.  

  • Dev Blog: The Next Steps in Structure Transition

    Hello prudent Capsuleers! Today we will be providing some more detail about the Starbase and outpost transition plans that we announced last week at Fanfest here in Reykjavik. This blog will cover details of the next couple steps in the long-term plan of phasing out Starbases, as well as the big transition event for upgrading…

  • The Next Steps in Structure Transition

            Hello prudent Capsuleers! Today we will be providing some more detail about the Starbase and outpost transition plans that we announced last week at Fanfest here in Reykjavik. This blog will cover details of the …

  • Galactic News: Weekly Democracy Report

    This report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to hold elections: GCRV 4654 State Interstellar Groombridge 1618 Inc 39 Tauri Interstellar Labour of Geras Progressive Party of Abukunin Fawaol Patrons of Law New CD-61 6801 Flag Barnard’s Star Alliance LP 811-17 Gold Energy Partners…


    CCP Games has announced the dates for EVE-Vegas and tickets are on sale. If Spaceships, Real Life Gambling, and Las Vegas sounds like a winning combination then just read on! All information below is directly from CCP Phantom: EVE Vegas 2017, the fabulous player gathering in Las Vegas, takes place from October 6 to 8. Tickets…