Unscheduled Downtime for Account Management Website
We are currently experiencing issues with account management services, and at present the account management website is offline. PLEX, AURUM and subscription sales, as well as account management functions such as code redeeming are currently offlin…
Around The Verse
Community Goal: Aid for the Mu Koji Refugees
Earlier this month, the Mu Koji system was engulfed in the ongoing conflict between the Empire and the Federation, as the superpowers staged rival operations to secure enemy intelligence. Although the battle only lasted a few days, the collateral dama…
The Volition Cult to Capitulate to League of Unaligned Master Pilots
In an agreement that was signed on the 28th of September, The Volition Cult [VOLT] had agreed to concede the JZV-O6 constellation in the Catch region to League of Unaligned Master Pilots [LUMPY], bringing 5 long weeks of war to an end and capitulating before the invading force. Negotiations between the two sides have remained…
Alliance Tournament XIV – Team Spotlight: Complaints Department
Welcome to the Alliance Tournament Team Spotlight, where we take a closer look at some of the teams competing in the Alliance Tournament XIV. Today, we are looking at Complaints Department [P45], who are newcomers to this year’s tournament. In an interview with Frag Solo of Complaints Department, the capsuleer disclosed that he had previously…
Alliance Tournament XIV – Team Spotlight: Complaints Department
Welcome to the Alliance Tournament Team Spotlight, where we take a closer look at some of the teams competing in the Alliance Tournament XIV. Today, we are looking at Complaints Department [P45], who are newcomers to this year’s tournament. In an interview with Frag Solo of Complaints Department, the capsuleer disclosed that he had previously…
Galactic News: Enthusiastic Response to Federal Appeal
A spokesperson for the Pleiades Resource Enterprise has announced that its appeal for exploration data was enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Hundreds of pilots contributed to the campaign by sweeping the Pleiades Nebula and deliverin…
Galactic News: Imperial Appeal Comes to an End
A spokesperson for the Merope Expeditionary Fleet has announced that its appeal for construction materials was enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Scores of independent pilots responded to the organisation’s request, resulting in a mas…
CitizenCon 2946 Details
Here you’ll find the detailed schedule for our daily livestreams, the CitizenCon Presentation on Sunday, and all our fan events in Los Angeles.
Galactic News: Weekly Democracy Report
This report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to hold elections: United Ross 780 Progressive Party Kungun Universal Corporation HIP 110954 Inc LTT 12680 Interstellar Ca…