Welcome to the Alliance Tournament Team Spotlight, where we take a closer look at some of the teams competing in the Alliance Tournament XIV. Today, we are looking at Complaints Department [P45], who are newcomers to this year’s tournament.
In an interview with Frag Solo of Complaints Department, the capsuleer disclosed that he had previously taken part in Alliance Tournament XIII under the banner of Tactical Narcotics Team [TNT], and this factored into his decision to take Complaints Department into the tournament this year. “It's a old project,” he said. “Last year I made the AT and we finish Top 12 , we won something like 120b but the alliance exec stole the winnings, so I planned to make my own team this year!”.
Frag Solo was also anticipating an early matchup with Tournament heavyweights Pandemic Legion [-10.0] and didn’t rate his team’s chances particularly highly. “At the moment it's very low …. we don’t have excellent setup for the moment.We are still working a very strong setup. We know we will probably fight PL for our second round, so we don’t have any hope on this match for the moment.” When queried about which team he would like to fight against, however, he responded with Pandemic Legion, reasoning that to “fight the best is a good experience”.
When asked about his team’s philosophy for the tournament, it appears that Frag Solo is invested in his fellow tournament pilots. “My philosophy is …. I run the tournament like a business! I invest money and I want a pay back! My strategy is stay serious and try to have some fun,” and offered a simple “GLHF” to the pilots and the citizens of the cluster.
Additional information:
Complaints Department on Dotlan
Alliance stats on zKillboard
We at the IC wish all teams the best of luck in the upcoming Alliance Tournament!
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