Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #32
The passing weeks have supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From ambient videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the past few weeks: #1 Eve Online: Black Ops Summer Vacation by Raethrius Black ops battleships pilots are often one of the most…
Reverse the Verse
This week, Andrew Nicholson, Jonny Jacivious, Will Maiden and John Crewe chat about the upcoming Flight Balance and User Interface Changes.
Galactic News: Imperial Prima Donnas Flash their Claws
Princess Aisling Duval has clashed with former Imperial senator Lady Kahina Loren in an impromptu debate organised by The Imperial Citizen. Unbeknownst to either Princess Duval or Lady Kahina, parts of the altercation were broadcast live. Princess Duval was heard to say: “You really thought you could swan in here from your provincial little system…
Dev Vlog: October-November 2016 Development Update
EVE Online’s Executive Producer gives a quick update on plans for October and November 2016 in EVE, including the upcoming New Player Experience, CSM Summit Minutes, Engineering Complexes, “Ghost Fitting” simulation feature, Alliance Tournament and more.
More Information Now Available On EVE Updates!
With the arrival of a new video blog update from CCP Seagull that charts the next couple of months of activity around EVE Online, we’ve made a few additions to EVE Updates to reflect what’s coming to New Eden over the course of the next release, plus what’s coming in the November expansion. Head on…
Galactic Tour’s Fan Favourite Finale
The CSM 11 Summit 1 Meeting Minutes are out
CSM 11 recently finished its first summit in Reykjavik, discussing all aspects of developing and running EVE with a wide representation of EVE’s developers, producers and executives. The democratically elected Council of Stellar Management has long been an important advisory group to CCP and at least half the council has typically been flown to CCP…
Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report
This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war: Maratians Silver Bridge Corp. Ross 23 Defence Force Kwatiles Purple Electronics Ind League of Kwatiles San…
Galactic News: The Martian Relic
The discovery of mysterious wreckage in the Pleiades Nebula has rekindled interest in the so-called Martian Relic, an object discovered beneath the surface of Mars over one thousand years ago. Very little is known about the Relic except that it was discovered in 2280 and is relatively small, measuring no more than a few centimetres…
Alliance Tournament SKIN Offer – The Bomber Bundle!
We are happy to announce that in advance of the first weekend of Alliance Tournament XIV, we have four bomber SKINs on sale as a bundle with 25% discount in the New Eden Store! The SKINs included in this bundle are: Purifier EoM SKIN (Permanent) Manticore Wiyrkomi SKIN (Permanent) Nemesis Intaki Syndicate SKIN (Permanent) Hound…