Month: October 2015

  • Corporation Spotlight: Imperial Dreams

    In an effort to bring you more information about your friends and neighbors, as well as enemies and rivals, we introduce the next in our semi-regular “Corporation Spotlight” series.   This edition’s corporation in the spotlight is Imperial Dreams.   Imperial Dreams was a founding corporation of Curatores Veritatis Alliance [CVA], a well knownAmarr loyalist alliance that operates under…

  • EVE Vegas Schedule Preview!

    With EVE Vegas only a couple of weeks away and close to being sold out, we’re now happy to be able to give you all a preview of the schedule for presentations and roundtables. While this program is still subject to change, here’s a quick outline of what you can expect at EVE Vegas 2015!…

  • GalNet Weekly Powers Update Incoming

    In the early hours of tomorrow morning (7.00am GMT), the GalNet monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled. Any pilots who operate for one of the powers must deliver any cargo or vouchers bef…

  • GalNet Weekly Health Hotspots

    This weekly report typically covers some of the minor factions experiencing significant health issues, such as famine and outbreaks. At the time of writing, however, outbreaks have not been reported among any minor factions.

  • Deklein Blues: Imperium Forces Suffer a Heavy Blow in II-5O9

    II-5O9 system, Deklein region. On the morning of the 7th of October at 7:00 EVE Standard Time, Imperium forces lost no less than an Aeon Supercarrier and 4 other Carriers to a Pandemic Legion [-10.0] fleet in the system. Pandemic Legion has been terrorizing the north of New Eden for the past few weeks, with…

  • Alliance Tournament XIII Scandal Concluded

    If you missed our previous reports concerning the collusion between The Camel Empire [THNGY] and Warlords of the Deep [2LGIT], the news broke when DHB WildCat released a statement announcing that his team had colluded with The Camel Empire in Alliance Tournament XIII. They had split the prizes equally between all pilots on the two…


    A startling first hand account of the Vanduul raid in Vega.

  • Dev Blog: Testing a new EVE Launcher

    We have been working on a new way to install and update the EVE client, and are now ready to give you a preview of a brand new launcher. How is it different? The patching mechanism is simpler This should result in fewer cases of failed patching. We no longer rely on HTTP 1.1 and…

  • Remembering the Victims of the Cerberus Plague

    The Cerberus Plague was one of the most devastating outbreaks to blight the galaxy for generations, devastating dozens of systems and affecting countless worlds. Official figures place the death toll at over 100,000. As of today, however, the disease is officially considered extinct. Carl Simmons, the specialist who led research into a cure, has confirmed…

  • Senate Declares Arissa Lavigny-Duval Emperor

    Standing on the steps of the Senate building, Chancellor Anders Blaine announced the Senate’s decision on the succession. In a historic selection, and as a result of a clear majority vote, Arissa Lavigny-Duval will be the next ruler of the Empire. She …