Low Sec Rumble: Amamake Free For All
Amamake system, Heimatar region. On the 4th of October at 19:00 EVE Standard Time, an event in the system drew hundreds of pilots into what has become one of the bloodiest battles in recent memory in Low Security space. The event was organized by Citricioni of Stille Gewalt corporation, Dead Terrorists [IKILU], the purpose of…
Imperial Succession Vote in Senate Today
Imperial Succession Vote in Senate Today Today is the last day of deliberation for the Senate over the question of who will become the next Emperor. By law, the Senate must announce the new Emperor by a clear majority decision tomorrow. Meanwhile, man…
GalNet Weekly Economic Report
GalNet Weekly Economic Report In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit. Here are 10 of the 3,066 minor factions currently enjoying an econ…
EVE Vegas Is Almost Sold Out!
We’re delighted to announce that EVE Vegas 2015 is super close to being a completely sold out event! Right now, there’s less than 25 tickets left before we completely sell out, so if you’re planning on attending EVE Vegas 2015 on October 23-25, be sure to snap up your ticket soon. You can do so…
Chancellor Anders Blaine Issues Statement
Chancellor Anders Blaine Issues Statement In the early hours of this morning, agents of the Imperial Guard and IISS arrested several members of Chancellor Anders Blaine’s staff. He later released a statement: “It deeply pains me that members of my st…
Pioneer Returns from the Depths
Pioneer Returns from the Depths On the 5th of January 3301, an explorer by the name of Commander Kommodore set off to visit Sagittarius A* in his Eagle-class starship – the first known attempt to reach the core in such a vessel. Nothing more was heard from this intrepid explorer until this week, some ten…
Battle Report Round Up #3
The passing week supplied quite a few videos immortalizing conflicts around New Eden. This is a round up of those battles: 28/9 Drone Regions Federation versus Red Menace Coalition versus Stain-Wagon Coalition In an attempt to force the Red Menace Coalition (RMC) into action, Drone Regions Federation (DRF) forces attempted to take the C-J6MT…
CSM X – Summit I – Day Four Meeting Minutes
After delays due to a few technical hitches with the last day of recordings, as well as an incredibly busy schedule for the Community Team during the Euro Tour, we are now happy to present the day four meeting minutes for the the first CSM X summi…
Clash in Immensea: Huge Brawl over a Tower in GXK-7F
GXK-7F system, Immensea region. On the 2nd of October at 18:15 EVE Standard Time, forces belonging to Gentlemen’s.Club [GCLUB] and Stain-Wagon Coalition (SMC) clashed in the system over a tower in a fight that quickly escalated into a confusing brawl as Providence Bloc and Northern Coalition. [NC] joined the fray. The battle began after SWC…
Emperor’s Dawn: What does it stand for?
Emperor’s Dawn: What does it stand for? Since news of Emperor’s Dawn first emerged, there has been extensive speculation about the group’s agenda. That the organisation wants to destabilise the Imperial power base seems highly likely, given that it wa…