Month: October 2015

  • Scanning Intensifies!

    Intel is the key to the victory, be it in saving your small gas-huffing Venture in a Wormhole or in giant null-sec fights over untold riches. Probeing and D-scanning have come a long way from their first iterations, not only did they go through minor tweaks, like better UI, but major ones as well, like increased probe numbers…

  • EVE Valkyrie: Comic mini-series!

    EVE was games from geeks to the geeks. There is no doubt about that, spaceships, heavy emphasis on lore and a very complicated mechanics that needed a passion and dedication to understand. During game lifetime CCP provided us with all the things, that geeks love. Awesome trailers, superb Fanfests, hardcore Tournaments, gadgets and books. What…

  • VIDEO: Ailok Konem – The Monster

    Ailok Konem has submitted an amazing solo pvp video! I loved it and I hope you do too!

  • GalNet Focus on Democracy

    This weekly roundup highlights some of the minor factions pursuing the dream of democratic freedom by holding elections (*). Here are 10 of the 2,833 minor factions holding elections: Rishair Emperor’s Grace V2689 Orionis Jet Transport Ltd V2689 Or…

  • More Emperor’s Dawn Bases Found

    Two weeks ago, the Imperial Internal Security Service issued a request for exploration data as part of its ongoing effort to locate bases belonging to the insurgent organisation Emperor’s Dawn. The request resulted in a raft of fresh astrological data,…

  • Gameplay Exploits and Enforcement

    It’s been some time since this was last discussed, so it seems a refresher may be in order.There have been those, lately, who have espoused the opinion if that if some gameplay mechanic within the game is exploitable in some way, then it must be “fair …

  • MISC Endeavor Q&A – Part 2

    We’re answering your questions about the MISC Endeavor!

  • EN24 Podcast, ep.25 – Capital Ships

    EN24’s podcast releases another episode. In this episode we review the history, symbolism, and future of Capital ships: Titans and Super Carriers (formerly known as Mother ships). We also catch up with Iron Armada after their evacuation from null-sec, and the departure of two corporations from NCdot to form their own alliance. CCP Quant publishes Supers…


    Original Dev blog here [EVE VEGAS SCHEDULE PREVIEW!]   With EVE Vegas only a couple of weeks away and close to being sold out, we’re now happy to be able to give you all a preview of the schedule for presentations and roundtables. While this program is still subject to change, here’s a quick outline…

  • Bugsmashers!

    Bugsmashers! Episode 12 Mark goes for the Internet Emmy in this week’s Bugsmashers.