Month: October 2015

  • New Brawling Electronic Warfare Frigate Stats Released

    Earlier this week, the site pulled from a new chaos build listed as 970471 a set of 8 new items showing as Frigates, one set were logistics frigates and the other appeared to be Navy variants of each races electronic warfare frigates. Speculation on the navy versions were of course mixed with some wondering…

  • LIVE: Lost Fleet of EVE Presents: Community Kestrel Roam!

    Lost Fleet of EVE is hosting a open to the public free kestrel roam. Show up, get a Kestrel, go on a roam. Who: Lost Fleet of EVE What: Kestrel roam Where: Starts in Iitanmadan, end at `who knows`. When: Oct 17th, 2015 @ 1800 form up begins, 1900 we un-dock. Why: ’cause why not.…

  • Battle Report Round Up: YPW-M4 Special

    Its not often in New Eden that two coalitions go toe to toe in a Super Capital fight, and it is even rarer that they duke it out in such a massive battle. With so many pilots and so many alliances taking part in the battle, the wealth of video evidence of one of the…

  • GalNet Weekly Expansion List

    Each week, GalNet presents a list of 10 of the 2,708 minor factions currently expanding into new systems. Morai Nobles Nungk Empire Party Varlawoth Prison Colony HIP 6761 Focus Evenses Liberals Hrana General Holdings 58 Epsilon Herculis Industry…

  • Outage and Related Development

    We had an unplanned game downtime on Weds morning of this past week, and this post is intended to fill people in a little on what’s been going on.The basic problem was the “Kourier” AI subsystem, which controls the Hives, going a little bonkers and try…

  • Jump Point Now Available!

    Attention development subscribers: the October 2015 issue of Jump Point is now available in your subscription area.

  • Development Update: Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 & Star Marine

    We’re enhancing the weekly Star Marine update to include Star Citizen Alpha 2.0!

  • Aegis Sabre Q&A

    We’re answering your questions about the Aegis Sabre!

  • Announcing the Contenders of the Amarr Championships

    Hello Players We’re pleased to announce the full list of contenders participating in the Amarr Championships. These pilots are currently assembling their teams, and we will be announcing the full list of retainers flying with each contender once they have been confirmed. House Ardishapur: Rodj Blake Venix SoulLess Zealot Laerise House Kador: Max Singularity    …

  • War in Insmother: Skirmish in O-9G5Y

    O-9G5Y system, Insmother region. In the early hours of the 16th of October Red Menace Coalition (RMC) forces clashed with Drone Regions Federation (DRF) over the system. The system had been recently secured by Triumvirate. [TRI] and DRF forces had decided to use it as a forward staging system in their war with the RMC.…