Month: October 2015

  • The Scope – The Crimson Harvest

    Alton Haveri reports on a disturbing broadcast that was beamed out across the Amarr Empire this afternoon, which occurred simultaneously to a number of attacks by the Blood Raider Covenant against religious sites across the Empire.

  • GalNet Weekly Security Digest

    In this weekly report, the latest GalNet data is assembled to present ten minor factions experiencing civil unrest or lockdown in their systems. Here are 10 of the 4,174 minor factions in lockdown: Macuano Advanced Network Luyten 347-14 Prison Colon…

  • The Crimson Harvest

             (click to enlarge) Bloody Omir ran away,Hiding from the light of day. He made a base out in the night,Far away from the Empire’s might. Holders think they all are safe,Protected by the Empire’s grace. Silly people, you should know…You shall reap just what you sow. Bloody Omir is coming back,With monsters from…

  • DevBlog: The Crimson Harvest

    Bloody Omir ran away, Hiding from the light of day. He made a base out in the night, Far away from the Empire’s might. Holders think they all are safe, Protected by the Empire’s grace. Silly people, you should know… You shall reap just what you sow. Bloody Omir is coming back, With monsters from…

  • Skill Training Issues with Blood Raider Cerberal Accelerator

    Hello Players When using the temporarily available Blood Raiders Cerebral Accelerator, your skill training queue may show that the training time has increased, or that you have acquired negative skill points in that skill. This is only a UI issue, …

  • Low Sec Rumble: Threeway in Kedama

    Kedama system, Black Rise region. On the 18th of October at 18:45 EVE Standard Time, a memorial fleet headed by members of Sleeper Social Club [SSC] clashed with Project.Mayhem. [16-13] in the system only to be interrupted by Snuffed Out [B B C] in what quickly became a three-way battle. The memorial fleet headed by…

  • EVE Control Panel, Kickstarted!

    EVE is all about control. As everyone knows, internet spaceships is serious business, thus we push our controls further and further. Lower response times with proper shortcuts, manage overviews and tabs to give crucial information as soon as possible, hold directional scan close, to access it without lag. We try to sharpen any possible edge…

  • Blood Raiders Commit Atrocities in Kamela

    In early September, CCP posted a teaser thread on, hinting at the return of the Blood Raiders. The promised Crimson Harvest is arriving, Blood Raiders have started attacking systems in the Sasen and Vaarma constellation.   Who are the Blood Raiders? The Blood Raiders are part of an ancient cultist faction called Sani Sabik,…

  • 10 for the All-Stars

  • Amarr Champions Announced

    Following the assassination of Empress Jamyl by a Drifter fleet, the Royal Houses of Amarr must hold a championship to decide who will sucseed the throne of the Amarr Empire. Each royal family will be represented by teams of capsuleers. The winning teams sponsor will be named Emperor/Empress of Amarr. The losing sponsors will be…