CCP Announces First Wave Of Winter Re-Balances
Today CCP Fozzie announced a huge array of re-balances to ships, mostly frigates at the moment, but one can only wonder if this is part of a much bigger attempt by CCP to re-balance ships after the release of T3 destroyers. The rebalancing is intended to be released this winter. You can read the full…
New Ships Coming In Winter 2015!
We’re happy to announce that there’s a set of 13 new ships coming to EVE over the course of the winter, including a whole host of new frigates. Check out this short video as CCP Fozzie explains what ships will be coming your way, and stay tuned in to the news out of EVE Vegas…
EVE Vegas 2015 – Schedule, Store, Charity Events & More!
With EVE Vegas fast approaching, we’re happy to announce a little about what you’ll be able to find in the EVE Store at Planet Hollywood during the event, and a couple of efforts that we’ll be running during the event for charitable causes! Firstly, we’d like to share the finalized schedule with you all, which…
Technical Trouble in the Warkushanui System
Reports coming in from the Warkushanui system indicate that a number of starports in the region are currently experiencing technical issues. According to Sam Norris, a technician at Coats Hub, the system’s inhabitants are dealing with a range of proble…
A Week in Powerplay
Edmund Mahon has proven last week’s naysaying economists wrong. The economic juggernaut that is the Alliance of Independent Systems now exerts influence over more than 1,000 systems – a tremendous milestone for the fledgling superpower, which only recently celebrated 70 years of existence. Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s days have been largely consumed by preparations for her coronation…
Lost Fleet of EVE Presents: Community Kestrel Roam!
GalNet Weekly Conflict Report
This weekly transmission lists some of the systems currently in conflict around the galaxy, based on the latest data. Here are 10 of the 25,801 minor factions involved in a civil war: Blue Power Network He Xingo Crimson Dynamic and Co League of Gom…
Renew, Renew Your Skills
CCP announced an idea they are not yet committed to: Skill Grafting. Peeling skillpoints (SP) off one character and packaging the “stem cells” to be consumed by another character, at a price set by market forces. Are we the new Drifters, digging up the corpses of old alts to recoup their knowledge and package them…
Care For Kids “RAT RACE” Takes Off This Saturday
C4w3, the man behind the Care For Kids Programme covered in an article earlier this month, recently posted to the Eve Forums an announcement that he will be hosting the Care For Kids ‘Rat Race’ this coming Saturday the 17th. The race will be held to help raise ISK towards the Care For Kids Programme…
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