Voting for a winner of Star Trek Online “Foundry Challenge #1” starts today! Mor…
Voting for a winner of Star Trek Online "Foundry Challenge #1" starts today! More information, and a list of missions to play, can be found in the link below.Foundry Challenge #1 – Voting Begins Today! – Star Trek Online Forumsforums.startrek…
Some more UI improvements coming on March 13th!
Some more UI improvements coming on March 13th!EVE Online Dev Blog: U and I – Our Little Improvements community.eveonline.comThen, on a beautiful Sunday evening, when I had compiled a long list of your ideas (both from that thread and other threads) an…
U and I – Our Little Improvements Together
Hi everyone, I'm CCP karkur, and I'm here to tell you guys about a number of Little Things my team, Team Avatar, is bringing you in the next point release. But first let me introduce myself: I'm a UI programmer and I've been with …
CSM 7 VOTING IS LIVE. Login and cast your ballot to support your favored candidate.
CSM 7 VOTING IS LIVE. Login and cast your ballot to support your favored candidate.Council of Stellar Management Voting Boothcommunity.eveonline.comThe purpose of the CSM is to represent society interests to CCP. This requires active engagement with th…
For those that have already voted in the 7th Council of Stellar Management elect…
For those that have already voted in the 7th Council of Stellar Management election to wear proudly (shared on their Facebook wall) Vote here: http://community.eveonline.com/council/voting/CandidatesView.asp More about the CSM: http://wiki.eveonline.co…
Voting is now live for the 7th Council of Stellar Management. Login here and cas…
Voting is now live for the 7th Council of Stellar Management. Login here and cast your e-ballot! Vote for the Council of Stellar Managementcommunity.eveonline.comThe purpose of the CSM is to represent society interests to CCP. This requires active en…
Surveyvor: The overview episode!
In Crucible 1.2, Team Gridlock introduced changes to the overview. The changes were mainly focused on improving client performance but also included changes to the behavior of the overview. One behavioral change worth mentioning was overview sorting p…
Mass test on Thursday, March 8
The next mass test on our test-server Singularity will be on Thursday, March 8 at 20:00 UTC. In this mass-test we will take a look at improvements to brackets, the overview and the stability of the client. Please follow the instructions on the Si…
Candidate: Riverini http://www.evenews24.com/2012/03/06/rvrnicsm7-platform-pack/
Candidate: Riverini http://www.evenews24.com/2012/03/06/rvrnicsm7-platform-pack/CSM 7 Propaganda
In this week’s episode of STOked, Chris sits down to talk with Star Trek Online…
In this week's episode of STOked, Chris sits down to talk with Star Trek Online Executive Producer Dan Stahl.Welcome Back Dan! | Jupiter Broadcastingwww.jupiterbroadcasting.comStar Trek Online's Executive Producer, Daniel Stahl chats about th…