EVE Online: Crucible 1.5 to be deployed Tuesday, March 13th
Next Tuesday, March 13th, Crucible 1.5 will be deployed, bringing new Rookie ships to EVE, new DED complexes, and a variety of UI and performance improvements.Please go the Crucible Feature Site for more information.
Crucible 1.5 is coming March 13th. The Ibis will never be the same.
Crucible 1.5 is coming March 13th. The Ibis will never be the same.EVE Online: Crucible Feature Pagecommunity.eveonline.comWithin EVE’s eternal crucible of warfare, politics and industry, even the most passionate and skilled are tested. EVE Online: …
During 2011, an average of 472 frigate sized ships were built an hour. 391 tech…
During 2011, an average of 472 frigate sized ships were built an hour. 391 tech one, 81 tech two.
Forum updates deployed: Corp Forums and Autosave Feature
As reported in a recent dev blog, we’ve been working on adding corporation forums to the EVE forums. The launch got pushed back from the original date of February the 8th because we wanted to do more load testing and security testing, but now the resul…
Candidate: The Mittani https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=68476
Candidate: The Mittani https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=68476CSM 7 Propaganda
In other EVE universe news…. DUST 514 -> FREE TO PLAY.
In other EVE universe news…. DUST 514 -> FREE TO PLAY. CCP's DUST 514 to be the First true Free To Play FPS on Console, Exclusive to Playstation 3® Systemwww.ccpgames.comREYKJAVIK, ICELAND – MARCH 5, 2012 –CCP Games today announced that…
EVE Onlines Facebook-Pinnwand 2012-03-04 18:42:03
EVE WearLook good -> feel good -> play better
VandV has put up two CSM7 1v1s. Check them out to see what the candidates are al…
VandV has put up two CSM7 1v1s. Check them out to see what the candidates are all about. Episode 36: Hans Jagerblitzen and Kelduum Revaan Episode 37: Alekseyev Karrde and Mike Azariah Tonight: Blake Armitage and Leboe Next Wed: Seleene, Trebor Daehdoo…
Some say a pilot’s success is born on the strength of his fleet. Some argue it c…
Some say a pilot's success is born on the strength of his fleet. Some argue it can only come from a fearless spirit housed within. But clearly it comes from having an awesome spouse.
Curious as to which CSM candidate most closely follows YourEVE?! This amazing re…
Curious as to which CSM candidate most closely follows YourEVE?! This amazing resource can help.Vote Match for CSM7 – Who gets your vote?match.eve-csm.comWelcome to the CSM Vote Matching website, where you can compare your vision for Eve Online with th…