PC Gamer has posted an exclusive first look at our 3-Year Anniversary spotlight…
PC Gamer has posted an exclusive first look at our 3-Year Anniversary spotlight video and brand-new infographic, along with a couple of other surprises. You will not want to miss this! Check it out now through the link below.Star Trek Online three-year…
We have just released details about the upcoming 3-Year Anniversary event! Read…
We have just released details about the upcoming 3-Year Anniversary event! Read about it now in the Dev Blog linked below.Season 7 Dev Blog #32sto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-to-Play MMO that puts you in the center of the Star Trek …
In the latest episode of Massively.com’s podcast, the crew sat down with Executi…
In the latest episode of Massively.com's podcast, the crew sat down with Executive Producer Dan Stahl and Community Manager Brandon Felczer to talk about our 3-year anniversary and the future of Star Trek Online. Listen to the interview now throug…
Did you know that there are more than 2 million Captains exploring the Final Fro…
Did you know that there are more than 2 million Captains exploring the Final Frontier in Star Trek Online?
Star Trek Online Executive Producer Dan Stahl checks in with this month’s State…
Star Trek Online Executive Producer Dan Stahl checks in with this month’s State of the Game article. You won't want to miss it! Read it now through the link below.State of the Game: January 2013sto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free…
This week’s spotlighted mission is “Spectres, Episode Six” by HippieJohn. Read t…
This week’s spotlighted mission is "Spectres, Episode Six" by HippieJohn. Read the article through the link below to learn more about this incredible player-made mission.Spotlight on the Foundrysto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the…
We’ve added a new screenshot to our gallery. We will be revealing information ab…
We've added a new screenshot to our gallery. We will be revealing information about our upcoming 3-year Anniversary Event next week. Check out the image through the link below.Friday Screenshot Availablesto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, t…
Q is back in Earth Spacedock and Qo’noS and he’s in a giving mood! Read details…
Q is back in Earth Spacedock and Qo'noS and he's in a giving mood! Read details about our Q XP Weekend through the link below.Q XP Weekend is Live!sto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-to-Play MMO that puts you in the center of …
Hello Captains! How will you be celebrating Star Trek Online’s 3-year anniversar…
Hello Captains! How will you be celebrating Star Trek Online's 3-year anniversary next week? More details on the event we have planned for you will be revealed soon!
The GMT timeslot of the Thursday Night Fleet Action Event begins in just 10 minu…
The GMT timeslot of the Thursday Night Fleet Action Event begins in just 10 minutes! More information, including info about the PST/EST timeslot that is later today, can be found through the link below. We'll see you in-game on Bajor!Thursday Nigh…