Hello Captains! If you could mix and match the senior officers from the various…
Hello Captains! If you could mix and match the senior officers from the various Star Trek series, which combination do you think would make the "perfect" crew?
Nausicaan in design, The Guramba Siege Destroyer is available to Klingon Defense…
Nausicaan in design, The Guramba Siege Destroyer is available to Klingon Defense Force Lieutenant Generals. Read more about it in the article through the link below and purchase it from the C-Store today.Featured Ship: The Gurambasto.perfectworld.comPl…
Starting next Friday, January 25th around 10am PST, visit Q on Earth Spacedock o…
Starting next Friday, January 25th around 10am PST, visit Q on Earth Spacedock or Qo'noS to receive a boost that will DOUBLE your XP* rewards for the weekend! Check out the article through the link below for more details.Upcoming Q XP Weekendsto.p…
Hello Captains! What would be the first item you would order out of a replicator…
Hello Captains! What would be the first item you would order out of a replicator if you had the chance?
This week’s spotlighted mission is “Vulture Wheel” by Darren_Kitlor. Read the ar…
This week’s spotlighted mission is "Vulture Wheel" by Darren_Kitlor. Read the article through the link below to learn more about this incredible player-made mission.Spotlight on the Foundrysto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free…
We’ve added a new screen to our screenshot gallery. The Kamarag class was first…
We've added a new screen to our screenshot gallery. The Kamarag class was first designed in the mid-24th century, but only a few prototype vessels were built. Check out the image through the link below.Friday Screenshot Availablesto.perfectworld….
The GMT timeslot of the Community Klingon Rampage PvE Event begins in just 2 hou…
The GMT timeslot of the Community Klingon Rampage PvE Event begins in just 2 hours! More information, including info about the PST/EST timeslot that is later today, can be found through the link below. We'll see you in-game on Qo'noS! Qapla&#…
As of Thursday, January 24th, around 10am PST, Temporal Lock Boxes will stop dro…
As of Thursday, January 24th, around 10am PST, Temporal Lock Boxes will stop dropping as in-game rewards. Now’s your opportunity to open one of these boxes for a chance at some spectacular prizes. Read the article through the link below for full deta…
Happy F2P Anniversary, Star Trek Online! 17-01 (2012)
Happy F2P Anniversary, Star Trek Online! 17-01 (2012)
A new Star Trek Online Foundry Challenge has been posted! Check out “Beyond the…
A new Star Trek Online Foundry Challenge has been posted! Check out "Beyond the Web" and participate through the link below.Foundry Challenge Foundry Challenge #6 : Beyond the Web – Star Trek Onlinesto-forum.perfectworld.com Foundry Challenge…