In the inaugural episode of Foundry Roundtable, a new STO podcast devoted to the…
In the inaugural episode of Foundry Roundtable, a new STO podcast devoted to the Foundry, Community Manager Brandon "BranFlakes" Felczer is interviewed about the new Spotlight feature. Check out the interview through the link below.Foundry Ro…
We just added a new wallpaper to our wallpaper gallery! Download the new Dominio…
We just added a new wallpaper to our wallpaper gallery! Download the new Dominion Lock Box wallpaper today through the link below.New Wallpaper Availablesto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-to-Play MMO that puts you in the center of the …
Hello Captains! What was the first Star Trek video game you ever played?
Hello Captains! What was the first Star Trek video game you ever played?
That was a great STO PvP match! I was in my Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explore…
That was a great STO PvP match! I was in my Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer (Aventine class) that I purchased from the C-Store.
A new Star Trek Online Literary Challenge has been posted! Check out “We’ll Alwa…
A new Star Trek Online Literary Challenge has been posted! Check out "We'll Always Have New York" and participate through the link below.Literary Challenge #38 : We'll Always Have New York – Star Trek Onlinesto-forum.perfectworld.co…
To celebrate our anniversary, Executive Producer Daniel Stahl recently sat down…
To celebrate our anniversary, Executive Producer Daniel Stahl recently sat down with many members of the media to talk about STO's past, present, and future. Check them out now through the link below.Anniversary Interview Roundupsto.perfectworld.c…
In honor of our 3-Year Anniversary, we are having an in-game Dancing and Dabo So…
In honor of our 3-Year Anniversary, we are having an in-game Dancing and Dabo Social Party this week! More information can be found through the link below. We hope to see you all there!Anniversary Dancing and Dabo Social Party – Feb. 7th – 2 Timeslots …
In just one hour, the MASH TacticS crew from DESTRUCTOID will be giving away som…
In just one hour, the MASH TacticS crew from DESTRUCTOID will be giving away some awesome prizes during their STO livestream. Tune in here at 4PM PST sharp: http://dtoid.tv/Destructoid Livestream and Giveawaysto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, t…
In a recent episode of the G & T show, Nick, Terry, and Mike interviewed Lead Wr…
In a recent episode of the G & T show, Nick, Terry, and Mike interviewed Lead Writer Christine "Kestrel" Thompson. Listen to it now through the link below.The G & T Show Talks with Kestrelsto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the…
Hello Captains! Now that we are venturing into our 4th year, what are some of th…
Hello Captains! Now that we are venturing into our 4th year, what are some of the additions you would like to see to STO in 2013?