Category: EVE News 24

  • The Imperium Abandons the North

    Last week the Mittani announced in the now closed fireside chats that the Imperium will be leaving their current home of Saranen. You can find a full recording of the announcement below: The summary of the announcement was that despite some victories, the line members appetite to take and hold Sovereignty in the North, or more specifically…

  • Watch This: EVE Online Conspiracy “Finally” Exposed.

    On the heels of such thought-provoking conspiracy works like Dinesh D’Souza’s “Hillary’s America” and Michael Moore’s “Where to Invade Next” comes possibly the most damning summary of EVE Online creators’ misdealings ever put on tape. Manic Velocity took a long look at Sion’s histrionic cacophony and put it in terms and context mere mortals like…

  • SpaceMonkeys Alliance Mothballed

    Early this morning an announcement was sent out on the SMA internal messaging system that the Space Monkey Alliance was to be mothballed. Space Monkeys Alliance rose to prominence as a member of the Imperium and positioned itself as one of its main powers living in the Fade Region. SMA’s ranks swelled and put them…

  • Salty Sion

    Head Diplomat of the Goonswarm Federation Sion Kumitomo has once again penned an article, this time making the argument that CCP is milking Eve for profits and diverting funds to their VR project. He argues that this action has taken funds away from bettering Eve and is the reason for lower subscription rates. I recommend…

  • Devblog: Billboard Submissions Are Now Open!

    A couple of months ago we held a contest inviting players to submit their own ads to be played on billboards in game. Some of the content we received was amazing, and the results were announced here. There was also some more questionable content that we didn’t feel was suitable for display in game. (You…

  • Player Spotlight: LadyOfWrath

    Recently I was informed LadyOfWrath (LoW) had returned to EvE Online and after a few conversations was lucky enough to land an interview.  Before we dive into the details I want to provide a small bit of history for those who do not know this character due to a long absence from EvE Online.  Starting…

  • Shadow of the Serpent – The Good, The Bad and the Grindy

    After four years of playing EVE it’s actually difficult to impart how much of a ground breaker the Shadow of the Serpent event is in terms of PvE in EVE Online. Of course it’s nothing new in terms of the MMO world, but it is the first time CCP has tackled a PvE event of…

  • Circle of Two Defection Part 4: Fell by a Whisper

    I strongly recommend reading the other parts before continuing on with this final article. Part one established the importance of Co2’s defection through quotes of prominent individuals. Part two provided more interviews comparing and contrasting differing perspectives regarding role that chance and planning had on Co2’s defection. Part three focused on an interview with Co2’s…

  • Overview: The EVE Online – Gunjack OST Suite

    A few weeks ago CCP Games released on their Soundcloud channel the EVE Online: Gunjack soundtrack authored by Jeff Broadbent, who happen to be no slouch in the VGM scene. Most of the tracks make a definite intent on transmitting an insane sense of urgency to the player, which overall seems to fit in the…

  • EVENT: Instagram Screenshot Contest

    CCP Games is organizing an Instagram competition, in it you basically take a breathtaking screenshot of your favorite EVE moment and share it with the #eveonline hashtag. Here are the basics: Hi there capsuleers, We are inviting you to join our Instagram screenshot competition! The rules are simple: Follow us on instagram @eveonline Between July…