Category: EVE News 24

  • Watch This: EVE Online Ship Spotlight – Ferox

    Designed as much to look like a killing machine as to be one, the Ferox will strike fear into the heart of anyone unlucky enough to get caught in its crosshairs. With the potential for sizable armament as well as tremendous electronic warfare capability, this versatile gunboat is at home in a great number of…

  • MBC Fortify the North Unopposed as Second Keepstar Anchored

    The second nullsec Keepstar to ever be anchored came online at 20:00 EVE time entirely uncontested. The Keepstar belongs to Pandemic Horde and was anchored in 7RM-N0, coming online less than a week after DARKNESS. anchored the first Keepstar in 209G-D. MBC forces formed up and were ready to defend the Citadel should it come…

  • PSA: Patch notes for July 13th release

    Defect Fixes Gameplay: Service modules in Citadels are again consuming fuel correctly after server downtimes – this time without causing cancelled market orders. Graphics: Remnants of the previous scene no longer persist behind windows in Planetary Interaction view. User Interface: Market: Ranged buy orders in wormholes are no longer appearing in other systems. Fixed an issue where…

  • Watch This: Flight Academy – EVE Online wormholes tutorials.

    If you have never experienced the “joy” of being locked out in a wormhole out of probes (or worst, being the sole survivor of a gang gone SNAFU), chances are that you might be missing out one of the most mysterious and eerie staples of the EVE Online experience. Wormholes. Introduced back in the Apocrypha…

  • PSA: Check Automatic Payment Settings

    In the 118.6 Release 1.6 patch, we fixed an issue where some of the “Automatic Pay Settings” checkboxes in the wallet UI could sometimes show up as checked on the client, even though there were not actually set on the server. As this fix has not changed the existing settings on the server, we recommend…

  • Jonny Pew: Should You Do Mining Challenges?

    Are mining challenges worth a try? Our good friend Jonny Pew put on his thinking cap and explored the exciting and dangerous world of mining missions from the point of view of a non-mining character.

  • EN24 Political Update & Highlights – Week 27

    Hello Everyone this is my first EN24 Political update in which we’ll cover the latest EVE Online corporation alliance and coalition changes and try to give some context to it in hopes of providing clearer picture of the current EVE Online political map. This week’s the update will be fairly short but I promise the…

  • Jonny Pew: How To Get Serpentis Capital Ship BPCs

    The brand new (and shiny) Capital Ships from the Serpentis faction are an insanely probably one of the hottest commodities right now, given the fact that it depends on the current “Shadow of the Serpentis” events for every BPC to be seeded. Its rarity makes acquiring an interesting and profitable task for enterprising capsuleers. After…

  • DevBlog: Alliance Tournament XIV: Rules and Signups

    Hello Competitive Pilots! With the Alliance Member cutoff for teams wishing to participate in Alliance Tournament XIV now having passed, we are able to reveal the ruleset for this year’s contest. There are a few changes from last year, with the main changes summarized below and the full ruleset following. Please note that this ruleset…

  • Video: Niden’s Dishonorubru (EVE Online Machariel PvP)

    Niden, known as a Crossing Zebra’s Editor-In-Chief and the creator off some amazing art work, created an amazing pvp video named ”Dishonorubru”. Enjoy!