Category: EVE News 24

  • Op Ed: Goonswarm Federation conquers Delve, what’s next?

    Editor’s Note: What follows is a speculative piece on what scenarios could the largest and most powerful entity in EVE Online could find itself in the coming weeks, enjoy. What happens after the remnants of “The Imperium” seize Delve? With the political landscape looking very blue at home (here) one direction they could go is…

  • INFAMOUS COUP: Cracks Form & Shots Fired

    Previously covered were the reason for the coup by Benju and the side of corporations who were kicked from INFAMOUS when this all began.  Below are links to these stories so you can get caught up on the happening in Catch prior to today. J3B Abandons Line Members & Ignites Civil War INFAMOUS COUP: The…

  • The Zkill Guide to Rhiload

    The Zkill Guide video series by Rhiload has gained huge popularity since the series began 6 weeks ago with its witty and relevant commentary. Packed full of satire, memes, and narrated via a text to speech program – this series is not only entertaining, but also very informative for any “cheeky scrublords” presently subscribed to…

  • CCP Confirms: Using ECM Bursts To Break Citadel Tether is an Exploit

    Hot on the heels of a Goonswarm Avatar reportedly being lost due to the exploit in question, CCP Falcon released a statement regarding the “ECM Burst un-tether exploit” in a post on the Eve community page this morning. We have recently been made aware of an unintended use of game mechanics that is being used to…

  • War In Delve: Imperium defeats LUMPY and captures systems

    Last weekend saw the opening salvos of the new Delve War as the Imperium forces were began their assault on the northern part of Delve and the systems controlled by the League of Unaligned Master Pilots [LUMPY]. LUMPY and allies had clashed with the Imperium in a number of significant skirmishes over the previous few days. Even thou…

  • Goonswarm Avatar Destroyed in Rakapas. Controversy Ensues.

    A Goonswarm Titan fell to Pandemic Legion’s fleet today in the Black Rise system of Rakapas. We spoke briefly with notable Pandemic Legion pilot, Killah Bee, shortly after the Goonswarm Avatar was destroyed. Jared Ki, a member of the Goonswarm Alliance Kriegsmarinewerft, was in the process of moving the 114 Billion ISK Avatar at the time the…

  • INFAMOUS COUP: The Other Side Of The Coin

    Before reading this article I highly suggest reading the first part.  The past 72 hours has seen huge changes in the command structure of INFAMOUS and a PR campaign to assure members and allies all is well.  To dive straight to the bottom of this I reached out to Benju, now the leader of INFAMOUS, directly to…

  • NCDOT moves into new KeepStar as MOA declares War

    Last weekend Northern Coalition. [NC] moved from their World War Bee staging system of X-70MU into their newly anchored KeepStar citadel in 93PI-4. This is the fourth Keepstar citadel to be anchored in Nullsec along with Darkness, Circle of Two and Pandemic Horde who have all anchored their own over the last two months. [NC] appears…

  • Bob’s Corner: Episode 5!

    Bit rusty but here is a new episode of Bob’s Corner!

  • J3B Abandons Line Members & Ignites Civil War

    Recent developments in Immensea and sustained losses have played a pivotal role in this coming about.  The first major change was FCON flipping sides to join TRI and allies fighting Stainwagon in Immensea.  With this INFAMOUS and allies were consistently outnumbered in most fights and falling back to hit and run tactics to engage these…