Category: EVE News 24

  • Dev Post: [March] Rorqual and Mining changes

    Hello again folks. Got another set of changes today for your feedback. These changes revolve around the Rorqual and mining in general. We’ve been keeping a close eye on the mineral economy since Ascension and we feel that we need to make another fairly significant intervention in order to help keep this area of the…

  • Dev Post: [March] Balance Tweaks: Focused Warp Scrambling Script

    Hi m8s, In March, we’re releasing a number of balance tweaks and we would love your feedback. WARP DISRUPTION FIELD GENERATORS The current state of Scripted Warp Disruption Field Generators is a little too oppressive, especially to the small gang PvP scene. We’d like to open up propulsion module options. As such, we’re going to…

  • Seraph IX Basarab: On Media Wars

    I recently wrote a counter-piece to an article on INN regarding renting. The short version is that the article’s author wrote some blatantly false things about renting, and I corrected/pointed these lies out. I’m not exaggerating when I say “lies” either. They ranged from claiming certain entities were renters when they are very clearly not,…

  • Real world science and EVE Online working together once again.

    EVE Online community will once again rush to aid the real world science. This time they will be searching for exoplanets (AKA planets outside our solar system). CCP Games will work together with Massively Multiplayer Online Science (MMOS), University of Reykjavik and University of Geneva along with award-winning professor Michael Mayor. This represents a second…

  • Kirith Kodachi: Market Blues

    It was only a matter of time. The big stumbling block to producing Azbel Engineering Complexes is simply capital. ISK to buy the blueprint and then ISK to buy the materials to build one. Any high sec NPC station or properly equipped Raitaru can build them. So its no surprise that the going price for…

  • Dev Post: [March] Mining Drone Specialization skill and T2 Mining Drones

    Hey folks! Back when we announced the Ascension mining drone changes as part of the mining foreman ship revamp we mentioned that we’d be adding the new Mining Drone Specialization skill to the requirements for the T2 mining drones at a future point. Adding the Mining Drone Spec skill to the T2 mining drone requirements…

  • Watch This: Waffles – Newt’s Police Comet Roam

    Frigate roams are always fun, especially when the numbers heavily favors the attackers. A fellow NCDOT pilot once compared a frigate fleet taking down a battleship as something akin of a bear being eaten but a thousand squirrels; gruesome and equally fascinating. Today we are sharing a pretty cool video from SniggWaffe in which they…

  • Dev Post: [March] Mobile Warp Disruptor changes

    Hey everyone! After some discussion about anchored bubbles and interdiction nullification with the CSM at our recent summit here in Iceland we asked the CSM folks to help get some community discussion going on these topics so we could hear from all of you. Big thanks to the CSM and to everyone who participated in…

  • PSA: Citadel Trade / Teleport exploit fixed in latest EVE Online update.

    CCP Games released a quick update for EVE Online which included a much-needed fix to the citadel bug they warned about a few days ago. Below is the list of fixes released this morning: Patch notes for YC119.2 Release 1.4 Published on Tuesday, February 21st, 2017 Patch notes for YC119.2 Release 1.4 Published on Tuesday,…

  • HeadStart: Five Things I wish I knew before I got into Eve Online

    HeadStart is a column aimed at helping the stream of new players adapt better to the game, avoid common pitfalls and get addicted to ever faster. Having been playing EVE Online for a few months now, I’ve found that there is an enormous amount of information to absorb and, despite my best efforts, I still…