Category: EVE News 24

  • Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #50

    The past week has supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From ambient videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the past week: #1 Introducing the RE4GD Alliance by Kyle Smyth A nice upbeat recruitment video for the Re-Forged [RE4GD] alliance which lives…

  • Period Basis: Tackled Rorqual Sparks a Battle in GR-J8B

    GR-J8B system, Period Basis region. On the 26th of February at 17:46 EVE Standard Time, a battle erupted in the system over a tackled Rorqual industrial capital ship. The ship in question belonged to Red Menace (RMC) coalition forces. It along with several others in the system were mining blissfully unaware of their impending doom.…

  • Live: First Round of CSM Debates

    Watch live video from jeffraider on  As published on, the first round of debates between candidates for the XII Council of Stellar Management (CSM) will go live shortly. There will be three groups participating, each with its own time slot and the entire debate streamed by JEFFRAIDER who agreed to host the debate.…

  • Esoteria: Battle of BY-MSY

    BY-MSY system, Esoteria region. On the 23rd of February at 18:26 EVE Standard Time, a battle unfolded in the system between Test Alliance Please Ignore [TEST] and Red Menace (RMC) coalition forces which resulted in the destruction of three super carriers. The battle was instigated by RMC forces who sent a small Caracal cruiser gang…

  • Cloud Ring: Battle of F7C-H0

    Disclaimer: The following battle report was submitted to EVE News 24 by Sister Bliss, Executor of The Initiative. [INIT.] and a participant of the battle. After 3 years and 346 days of traversing the universe firing doomsday after doomsday & grinding campaign after campaign, medal war hero of Stain 2013 and INIT. Avatar titan pilot…

  • CCP Oversight of Rorquals Worse than Imagined

      Confirmed by HerrBert in the video above, Rorqual industrial capital ships are able to use mobile micro jump units to move across the field. The player tested the ship in the system of Thera, showing the ship can use the mobile structures immediately after the ship exited PANIC (Pulse Activated Nexus Invulnerability Core) mode.…

  • Tackling Everything: Introduction to Wormhole Life.

    To many, wormhole space and EVE is a love/hate kind of relationship. Wormholes were introduced to EVE in the Apocrypha expansion back in 2009. The Apocrypha expansion included a training queue, Tech 3 vessels, wormholes and sleeper NPC’s. To many, this release still is considered as the best expansion to this day. The change of…

  • Burn Jita 4 2017 – was going to happen, now maybe later…

    The “Goons”, who now collectively refer to themselves as members of the “Imperium”, were about to announce “Burn Jita 4 2017 (BJ4K)” from Feb 24th to Feb 27th. However this will now be delayed by about a month.  Burn Jita is a yearly event hosted by members of Goonswarm where ganking is done around the…

  • Burn Jita 4 2017 – was going to happen, now maybe later…

    The “Goons”, who now collectively refer to themselves as members of the “Imperium”, were about to announce “Burn Jita 4 2017 (BJ4K)” from Feb 24th to Feb 27th. However this will now be delayed by about a month.  Burn Jita is a yearly event hosted by members of Goonswarm where ganking is done around the…

  • Dev Post: [March] Structure, Drone & Fighter improvements from Team Five 0

    Greetings intrepid testers! Team Five 0 have some lovely things for you for the upcoming release (Currently scheduled for March). We’d highly appreciate it if anyone interested in the changes please go try them out on our test server Singularity, let us know what you think and submit bug reports for any problems that occur.…