EVE History – Deleted or Meant to Stay?!
EVE News 24 does not endorse nor support any candidate for the Council of Stellar Management election. The following article was submitted to us by a candidate for publication. This should not be viewed as our approval of said candidate. The site accepts all submissions regardless of source. Disclaimer: I am Gecko Hareka and this…
Delve: Pandemic Legion Strikes Goonswarm Federation in NIDJ-K
NIDJ-K system, Delve region. On the 16th of February at 4:45 EVE Standard Time, Pandemic Legion [-10.0] struck deep into Goonswarm Federation [CONDI] territory, destroying 75 billion ISK in industrial capital ships. Ever since Goonswarm Federation was forced to vacate its holdings in the north of New Eden, its worked ceaselessly to entrench itself in…
Immensea: Vanguard Coalition Annihilated a Phoenix Federation Fleet in 08-N7Q
08-N7Q system, Immensea region. On the 15th of February at 18:06 EVE Standard Time, a battle unfolded in the system between Vanguard (VG) coalition and Phoenix Federation (PF) coalition forces. PF had a 70 pilot Sleipnir command ship fleet in the system reinforcing structures alongside a squadron of carriers. Two Raitaru engineering complexes which belonged…
Dev Blog: To Inception and beyond
Greetings Spacefriends, We hope you have had a wonderful start to 2017! Here in the Reykjavik office, Team Genesis have been hard at work reading through the amazing feedback we receive and implementing further updates to the new player experience (NPE), released during EVE Online’s November 15th expansion, Ascension. If you missed our first round of…
Low Sec Rumble: Skirmish in Ikoskio
Ikoskio system, Black Rise region. On the 14th of February at 13:36 EVE Standard Time, a battle between Snuffed Out [B B C]\Project.Mayhem. [16-13] and SAMURAI SOUL’d OUT [KATNA]\Did he say Jump [JMP-N] forces lit up the system. The battle was fought over a Fortizar citadel belonging to SAMURAI SOUL’d OUT. The structure had been…
Cloud Ring: Major Battle over an Astrahus in 9-4RP2
9-4RP2 system, Cloud Ring region. On the 12th of February at 20:27 EVE Standard Time, a battle unfolded in the system between The Initiative. [INIT.] and Brave Collective [BRAVE]. The two alliances clashed over an Astrahus citadel owned by The Initiative.. The structure had been reinforced by Brave Collective forces and was exiting its reinforced…
Open Call: Join the EN24 Team!
We are making our first writers call since the past November, yes finally! Quick recap Since November, in the wake of the EULA change, many EVE Online third party content providers who benefited from funding via gambling site promotion found themselves short on much-needed operational cash. We weren’t the exception, yet we decided on October…
101: EVE Online Flight Academy – Clone States
Until recently, whenever your subscription or trial lapsed you found yourself locked out of the game experience, besides relying on the out-of-game infrastructure provided by your Alliance (Skype / Discord / TS / Vent). While the new Alpha / Omega clone scheme solves this shortcoming; the truth is CCP Games were careful enough to clearly…
Dev Blog: Sleeping beauty – How one of the oldest bugs in EVE got hunted down and resolved
Sometimes a story of a bug is so intriguing you have to write it down – so if you are technically minded or just curious about the realities of development on EVE Online. Join me for a deep-dive into the technical depths of the EVE Online code base, as I recount how one of the…
Venal: Pandemic Legion and Out of Sight. Clash in a Botched Trap in K3JR-J
K3JR-J system, Venal region. On the 12th of February at 18:50 EVE standard Time, a battle unfolded in the system as Pandemic Legion [-10.0] forces unsuccessfully tried to bait Out of Sight. [OOS] super capitals. The battle was prompted by Pandemic Legion, who attempted to lure Out of Sight. into a trap using Bora Alis…