Freelance Report: Basking for Refugees
A group of well-connected Imperial Commanders has descended on the Kalana system carrying medicines and evacuation shelters. The loosely organized ‘Cutter Club’, as the group calls itself, has pledged to meet the needs of the Mu Koji refugees. The Cutter Club has also organised a fundraising event in support of various other charitable efforts. The…
Galactic News: Curious Transmission Partially Decoded
In early August, an antique Cobra Mk III was interred at the Tionisla Orbital Graveyard. Shortly before the ship was laid to rest, a beacon aboard the vessel transmitted a repeating sequence of curious characters. The sequence was picked up by several…
Alliance Tournament XIV – Team Spotlight: 404 Alliance Not Found
Welcome to the Alliance Tournament Team Spotlight, where we take a closer look at some of the teams competing in the Alliance Tournament XIV. Today, we are shining the spotlight on 404 Alliance Not Found [U-WOT], who also participated in last…
The Tribute War: Invasion falters and CO2 rampage in Malpais
Please note this article covered events in the Tribute region between the 26th of September until the morning of the 29th of September. The events of Thursday the 29th onward will be covered in the next article as reports and information are still being collated. Earlier in the week the battle lines for the war were…
*LIVE* Alliance Tournament XIV with NT Commentary and Studio!
Watch live video from eve_nt_tv on www.twitch.tv
Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report
This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems: LHS 1442 Exchange Democrats of Nyoru The Gathering Apadecavi Blue General Solutions…
Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #32
The passing weeks have supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From ambient videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the past few weeks: #1 Eve Online: Black Ops Summer Vacation by Raethrius Black ops battleships pilots are often one of the most…
Reverse the Verse
This week, Andrew Nicholson, Jonny Jacivious, Will Maiden and John Crewe chat about the upcoming Flight Balance and User Interface Changes.
Galactic News: Imperial Prima Donnas Flash their Claws
Princess Aisling Duval has clashed with former Imperial senator Lady Kahina Loren in an impromptu debate organised by The Imperial Citizen. Unbeknownst to either Princess Duval or Lady Kahina, parts of the altercation were broadcast live. Princess Duval was heard to say: “You really thought you could swan in here from your provincial little system…
Dev Vlog: October-November 2016 Development Update
EVE Online’s Executive Producer gives a quick update on plans for October and November 2016 in EVE, including the upcoming New Player Experience, CSM Summit Minutes, Engineering Complexes, “Ghost Fitting” simulation feature, Alliance Tournament and more.