Rooms Now Available At Bally’s For EVE Vegas!
Looking to attend EVE Vegas, but finding that hotel rooms are now in short supply? We’ve just secured an additional deal with Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel & Casino just one block away from Planet Hollywood in order to cater for the growing size of the EVE Vegas crowd this year! Rates are great, and we’re…
Extended Downtime – Thursday, October 6th
Due to ongoing maintenance work that makes New Eden a better place for everyone, we will need to extend tomorrow’s daily downtime so that we can perform essential maintenance to the Tranquility cluster. With this in mind, daily downtime on Thursday, October 6th will run for a total of 30 minutes, starting at the normal…
Powerplay: Incoming Update
At 7.00 am tomorrow morning (GMT), the monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled. Pilots who operate for one of the powers should deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time to ensure thei…
Galactic News: Weekly Health Report
This report presents the latest data on health issues among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience famine: Kotigeni Exchange Geawen Life Systems Fasti Industries Nyikari Gold General Commodities New Badje Values P…
Low Sec Rumble: Capital Engagement in Hasateem
Hasateem system, Derelik region. On the 4th of October at 19:00 EVE Standard Time, Providence Bloc and Triumvirate. [TRI], supported by IT’S ONLY PIXELS [PIXEL] clashed in a full capital fleet brawl. The battle was initiated by Providence Bloc forces who attempted to illicit a response from Triumvirate., after the latter did not form for…
Advocacy Archive
OPERATION FORSETI aims to put an end to the synthetic Maze (a.k.a. Drift) epidemic that has plagued the Oya System.
Monthly Economic Report – September 2016
This is the monthly Economic Report for September 2016. Please click the graphs to enlarge them as needed. The raw data and graphs that make up this report can be found here. …
A Tentative Look At The EVE Vegas 2016 Schedule!
Over the course of the last few weeks, we’ve been hard at work talking with developers here at CCP, as well as looking over player speaker submissions for EVE Vegas this year in order to start assembling a kick ass schedule for EVE Vegas 2016. Today, we’d like to give you an earlier than usual…
Galactic News: Mu Koji Appeal Concludes
Last week, the Kalana Independents launched a relief campaign for the people of Mu Koji, many of whom were displaced by the Federal-Imperial conflict that swept through the system in early September. Today, a spokesperson for the organisation announced…
Galactic News: Starport Status Update
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Unknown-Artefact related interference. The following starports are currently closed: Akiyama Hub, Shorodo Irens Dock, Manite von Bellingshausen Port, Alm…