Galactic News: Weekly Economic Report
This report presents the latest data on the economic health of the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience an economic boom: Social Zaragas Independents Brani Federal Holdings New 31 Aquilae Green Party Yakabugai Exchan…
Hunter Becomes Hunted – The Story Behind the Revenant Loss in Goudiyah
Goudiyah system, Khanid region. On the 29th of November at 11:50 EVE Standard Time, a Revenant super carrier belonging to scorpikoshka, a member of Amok. corporation of the Goonswarm Federation [CONDI], was destroyed in the system, bringing to culmination months of planning. The Revenant in question belonged to 3Better, formerly of LowSechnaya Sholupen [-LSH-]. If…
Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report
This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems: Limapa Blue State Commodities HIP 96289 Blue Major Inc Fawaol Patrons of Law HIP 11…
Galactic News: Ram Tah Laboratory Attacked
A few days ago, the research centre at Felice Dock in the Meene system was severely damaged in what has been described as ‘an act of vandalism’. Authorities at the starport have confirmed that the attack left many of the facilities irreparably damaged. Readers will no doubt recall that Ram Tah’s research project into the…
Monthly Economic Report – November 2016
This is the monthly Economic Report for November 2016. Please click the graphs to enlarge them as needed. The raw data and graphs that make up this report can be downloaded here (21 MB). A bonus graph is available at the end of the report…
Galactic News: Amateurs Partially Decrypt Signal
A small group of EM-transmission technology enthusiasts in the Tionisla system claims to have partially decoded the encrypted message transmitted from the Tionisla Orbital Graveyard by an antique Cobra Mk III a few months ago. A spokesperson for the g…
More Information On CCP Studio Visits Now Available!
From time to time we recieve requests from our pilots to visit CCP’s studios, so that they can take a look at where we put together our spaceships. Until now, there hasn’t been a 100% clear procedure on how to contact CCP to arrange a tour of one of our studios, with most pilots simply…
Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report
This report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war: Zeessze Clan Uru Federal Interstellar Fusang Fortune Commodities Green Party of HIP 103138 Chamunda Crimso…
New SKIN for mining ships available: Morphite Shine
A beautiful gleaming red SKIN is now available in the New Eden Store, recreating the enchanting effect of one of the rarest minerals in New Eden: enjoy the Morphite Shine SKIN! The Morphite Shine SKIN is available for the following ship hu…
Dev Blog: Inception 1.5 – Further Improvements to the New Player Experience
Greetings spacefriends, With the successful launch of EVE Online’s November 15th expansion, Ascension, we (Team Genesis) have introduced the first phase of our planned new New Player Experience (NPE) revamp called Inception. To find out more about our development journey check out this previous blog. In Inception you become a key player for your empire…