A beautiful gleaming red SKIN is now available in the New Eden Store, recreating the enchanting effect of one of the rarest minerals in New Eden: enjoy the Morphite Shine SKIN!
The Morphite Shine SKIN is available for the following ship hulls:
- Procurer
- Retriever
- Covetor
- Skiff
- Mackinaw
- Hulk
But that is not all! The Morphite Shine SKINs honor the fabulous discount on other classic SKINs and will cost only 800 AUR.
There never has been a better opportunity to decorate your mining ships!
Purchasing SKINs is easy:
- Log into EVE Online
- Make sure that you have sufficient AUR
- Go to the New Eden Store (press ALT+4 or use the Neocom to access the store)
- Select any SKINs you would like to have and and purchase them
- The SKINs are then available in your redeeming system