Why CCP is right and your whining is dumb…
Hello, my name is Seraph IX Basarab and I’m an opinion piece writer and analyst of Eve politics and war here at EN24. The thoughts and opinions written here are mine and not meant to represent anyone else’s. I wanted to address the screeching mob smacking their ham fists against their keyboards and somehow managing to luck…
Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report
This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems: Crimson State Group United Onduwatya Defence Party Sui Xenates Indie Union Egovi Do…
EVEathon 2017
Eve News 24 is proud to post the following event announcment: Last year, two streamers, scaredpanda and Rahne, took on a very ambitious project; EVE’s very first 72-hour continuous stream: EVEathon. With over a dozen streamers involved in the project, EVEathon managed to shatter the barriers for player-driven fundraisers – a monumental task given EVE’s…
The Discourse – Bloody Blueprint Blues
Arc Studios has released their latest broadcast of “The Discourse.” See below and enjoy. And yet another pirate shipyard falls after Imperium organizes a massive offensive. Yet, in a classic capsuleer manner, its valued loot is stolen. Who hides behinds the mask of “First Molok”?
Spectrum Alpha 0.3.5 Live
Spectrum Alpha 0.3.5 Live…
Clarification: Skill Queue Issues – 06/09
After a script was run yesterday to address an issue with Ghost Training, we received a number of reports that some pilots had noticed their skill queues had been paused and their characters were not training. The cause for this was identified as an issue with the script that was run, which didn’t behave as…
Dev Post: Fighter Damage Reduction
Hi Space Friends, Coming with our release on Tuesday, we’re significantly reducing the damage output of Fighters. Why: We are making this change because Carriers & Supercarriers are too strong in PvE, specifically anomaly ratting in Nullsec. As you may have seen in the May Monthly Economy Report, there is a significant upward trend in…
June Release Patch Notes & Downtime Info Now Available!
We are happy to announce that the June 2017 release will be deployed during an extended downtime on Tuesday, June 13th, 2017. This release brings redesigns for the Sin, Vexor and Ishtar, as well as Colorblind Support, and a whole host of client performance improvements to make your spaceships look and feel better. This release…
June 2947 Subscriber Flair!
June 2947 Subscriber Flair…