June Release Patch Notes & Downtime Info Now Available!

We are happy to announce that the June 2017 release will be deployed during an extended downtime on Tuesday, June 13th, 2017.

This release brings redesigns for the Sin, Vexor and Ishtar, as well as Colorblind Support, and a whole host of client performance improvements to make your spaceships look and feel better.

This release also brings a new event, "Rogue Swarm Alert", which kicks off on release day and runs for two weeks. Join your fellow capsuleers and help CONCORD defeat the swarms of rogue drones for rewards that include PLEX, SKINs, drone blueprints and accelerators. 

The June release will be deployed in an extended downtime that will run from the normal downtime start of 11:00 UTC, for fifty minutes. We expect that Tranquility will be back online and accepting connections at 11:50 UTC.

For full details of this release, take a look at the full patch notes, and head on over to EVE Updates!