2018 Status report
The end of an era I’ll start with the bad news: after more than 7 years of service the official Perpetuum server is shutting down on January 25th, 2018. This is purely a financial decision as the monthly cost of running the server is way more than w…
2018 Status report
The end of an era I’ll start with the bad news: after more than 7 years of service the official Perpetuum server is shutting down on January 25th, 2018. This is purely a financial decision as the monthly cost of running the server is way more than w…
Well, That’s One Cure for Blueballs FC! The Cleansing of Pure Blind
Disclaimer: The Author is a member of one of the parties involved his opinions do not necessarily reflect those of his Alliance or Corp. It feels like summer all over again. Once again, the Goons contaminate a certain space with dozens of structures to…
Sunsets and Opportunities: The Future of Third-Party Services
In simplest terms, an API is a set of tools that allow the community to access certain kinds of EVE game data outside the game. EVE currently has two API structures – XML and CREST – and both will completely stop working on May 8th, 2018. A…
2018/01/09 – January Release Deployment Information
We’re happy to announce that the January Release will be deployed on Tuesday, January 9 2017, during regularly scheduled daily downtime. Daily down time will begin as normal at 11:00 UTC, and will run for 15 minutes. We expect that the cluster will be online again and accepting connections at 11:15 UTC. Be sure to…
Bee Control: A Month in Review
When ‘Excavators’ were added to the game, greatly increasing the amount of ore a Rorqual could harvest, a new sport also became popular across New Eden. The ORE faction ‘Excavators’ are some of the most expensive drones a capsul…
In-Game: CONCORD Agencies Collaborate on Universal Timebase Measurement Research
YULAI – CONCORD officials have announced that they will be starting a new research effort to improve the measurement of CONCORD’s universal timebase, currently used across all of New Eden and known as New Eden Standard Time. Speaking to the purpo…
Galactic News: Alliance Campaign Concludes
The Alliance has announced that its operation to reclaim the supply lines connecting its California Nebula bases with the core systems has reached a successful conclusion. The campaign received the support of hundreds of independent pilots, who elimin…
Community Goal: Dionysus Rising
Sirius Inc has announced plans to construct a flight-operations megaship in the 42 n Persei system, which occupies a strategic position on the route to Maia. The vessel, which will be named the Dionysus, will dramatically improve services in 42 n Perse…