2018 Status report

The end of an era

I’ll start with the bad news: after more than 7 years of service the official Perpetuum server is shutting down on January 25th, 2018. This is purely a financial decision as the monthly cost of running the server is way more than what we can handle.

We cannot release the live server’s database to the public due to privacy issues, however DEV Crm is committed to keep the live DB alive with his own private server solution. This won’t be the same as the current official server in terms of speed and availability and it’s strictly a “no promises made” gig, but it’s something.

What will happen after the shutdown?

The following will be discontinued on January 25th:

  • The store and support section of the Perpetuum website
  • The Perpetuum API
  • The Perpetuum IRC server
  • All official email addresses except info@perpetuum-online.com

The following will continue to work:

  • The Perpetuum website except the store and support sections
  • The official development blog
  • The official website forum (read only)
  • info@perpetuum-online.com
  • Our full Steam presence including the discussion section
  • The official Perpetuum Wiki

Where will Perpetuum be available in the future?

After January 25th the only platform where Perpetuum will be available to purchase is Steam. We are committed to provide a Steam version for every player who owns Perpetuum currently outside of Steam. The details of how this will happen are still being worked out, we ask for your kind patience.

Also, the price of the client has been reduced permanently from $9.99 to $4.99.

Will you still provide support for Perpetuum in the future?

Occasional bugfixes here and there but we cannot make any promises. That is why we will release the server source code to the public and help the community try to stand on its own feet.

The Standalone Server

The Perpetuum Standalone Server has been already available for a while on Steam but apparently it is hidden for a lot of people for some reason. If you own Perpetuum on Steam then it should be listed under Library/Tools and goes by the name “Perpetuum Dedicated Server”.

Some players have reported that it popped up after some time, others have told that SteamCMD is a good workaround for getting the server. (AppID is 693060)

You can also find more information about the standalone server in our previous blog post.

Is there a list of available Perpetuum servers?

You can find an up-to-date list of current Perpetuum servers here.

This list is of course also available in the client itself.

Where can you ask technical questions about the standalone server?

We absolutely love and endorse what the guys at The Open Perpetuum Project are doing and occasionally lurk on their discord channel with other players in the know, so that’s your best bet. As a last resort for reaching us specifically, there is also info@perpetuum-online.com.

Since the official Perpetuum Wiki will continue to live on, it might also be a good platform for gathering all info. Of course this is just an option, if the community finds a better place for the knowledgebase, that’s fine with us.

What about dev/admin commands and features for the client?

We can’t make the development client public for technical reasons, but the admin commands and tools will be progressively added to the live client soon. (things like terrain and terraforming tools, decor&blocking tools, spawn commands, etc.)

Where can I find the server source code?


The source will allow you to build the server as it is, but we’ll be expanding the Github page with more detailed information on how to build and debug in easier ways for those who aren’t as experienced with development.

Thank you!

This is probably the last blog post here from me, but Perpetuum became a big part of our lives and we couldn’t forget it even if we tried. We are immensely grateful to everyone who has played Perpetuum in the past and to the people who dedicate time to help it live on, well… perpetually.