The Discourse – Drifter Data Vaults Reveal Footage Of Unknown Vessels
T-DART is rapidly repusrposed for Trinary Decryption Initiative and the first fruits of labor are already here – Corrupted Trinary Data Vaults reveal part of a bigger footage of Drifters engaging mysterous vessels in previously unseen space. ARC …
[Watch This] A SLYCE funeral in EVE Online: The Goto Udan Memorial Roam
Tributes to fallen warriors have been a fundamental part of the human condition since the Trojans mourned their champion Hector within the walls of their besieged city of Troy. Any Viking history nut can tell you how those wandering fighters of old bad…
Massacre in 5ED-4E: Hard Knocks Massacre a Rorqual Fleet
There are whale hunts and then there are whale hunts. 11 capital mining ships in a single op surely makes for a memorable afternoon, on either side of the playing field. Disaster struck last Wednesday for Shadow of xXDEATHXx, members of the Drone Regio…
Reverse the Verse LIVE
Production Illustrator Jim Martin (Star Trek, Starship Troopers, Matrix & Alien film series and more) stops by to chat his work for Star Citizen. To watch Reverse the Verse LIVE each and every week, tune into http://twitch.tv/starcitizen.
St Patrick’s Day Promotion
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!…
PSA: Exploit Notification – Using A Ship To Prevent Wormhole Spawning
We have recently been made aware of an issue that causes wormholes not to spawn when a player’s ship is present at the intended location of the wormhole. We would like to inform all pilots that using any method to block the spawning of a wormhole is no…
Interview with Lasker Emanuel
An interview with Lasker Emanuel regarding capsuleer vs. capsuleer combat “Something about being perched on that edge makes me feel alive.” With over 5,000 star systems and several dozen trillion inhabitants, the New Eden Cluster is rich with opportunities for cunning entrepreneurs to hunt for fame, notoriety, ancient relics or trade goods. For some capsuleers,…
Thargoid Surveillance Continues
According to Aegis, their operation to monitor Thargoid activity in the Pleiades Nebula has already begun to show results. Aegis released the following statement on behalf of Admiral Aden Tanner, their chief military liaison: “The new Eagle Eye inst…