This Week in Star Citizen

Top of the mornin’ to you Citizens!

We hope you had a wonderful St. Patrick’s weekend – or in case you’re living in Ireland, still enjoy a fantastic Paddy’s Bank holiday Monday! But as all enjoyable things must come to an end eventually, so have our green festivities. Our St. Patrick’s Day Screenshot Contest is over, and we’re currently in the process of selecting the winners of our fabulous prizes. With 695 entries, this is no easy job, even more so with all the 695 entries being as good as they are. A big thank you to everyone who submitted a screenshot!

Our special St. Patrick’s Day promotion is also coming to an end today, so grab those ships now before the promotion is over and upgrade your wardrobe with a “Cal is my Wingman” Squadron 42 T-shirt for a discounted price.

And everyone that is attending GDC in San Francisco this week: make sure to stop by the Intel booth to chat with some of our team members and don’t miss Sean Tracy’s GDC talk on Thursday, March 22nd.

Let’s see what’s going on this week:

On Monday, Jared will put on his headset for a brand-new episode of Calling All Devs. This week, we’ll answer YOUR questions about EVA between fast-moving ships, the future of real-time commodity tracking and more! You can watch the full episode here once it goes live.

Tuesday spells L-O-R-E! Our magnificent Lore Team will expand on the lore and narrative that makes up the Star Citizen universe. To shorten your wait, you can check out previously published lore posts here.

No Bugsmashers this Wednesday, but that doesn’t mean those pesky bugs are safe this week. We’ll be smashing in the background while our show will return on the 28th!

Psst! Listen! Thursday will bring us an episode of Around the Verse that will focus on all things audio in Star Citizen. Hear us out; this will be a sound episode!

Make sure to tune in to our Twitch Channel for a new episode of Reverse the Verse on Friday. We hope to see you there!


Ulf Kuerschner

Community Manager

The Weekly Community Content Schedule

            Calling All Devs   (

            Weekly Lore Post   (


            Star Citizen: Around the Verse – Audio Special   (
            Vault Update   

            Reverse the Verse   (
            Roadmap Update   
            RSI Newsletter   

Community Spotlight: March 19th, 2018

We are constantly amazed by the contributions made by the Star Citizen community. Whether it’s fan art, a cinematic, a YouTube guide, or even a 3D print of your favorite ship, we love it all! Don’t forget to submit your content to our Community Hub for a chance at seeing it here!

Baily’s beads during the Stanton eclipse by Corsair62

Astronomy amateur Corsair62 witnessed Baily’s beads, a short-term optical phenomenon, during the full phase of the eclipse. Always keep your eyes open for that kind of shots while in the ‘verse!

Check out his pictures on the Community Hub.

Letters From Vega – Part 1 by Alex_S189

Dalynn Cross and Eddie Daniels are sent to Aremis, Vega II, to visit one of the planets military installations and document the base operations.

Will this be ‘just another job’? Visit the Community Hub and find out.
