Tag: EVE News 24

  • Dreads at Dawn: Capital Brawl in F-QQ5N ends with 470B ISK Destroyed

    Today in the early afternoon EUTZ, the system of F-QQ5N in Wicked Creek was the site of a massive battle, all over an iHub. It started out as your usual Interceptor Fleets playing cat and mouse with each other around the constellation, but it ended with Supers being dropped. Tikle/Dangerous Voltage were the ones trying…

  • * LIVE * Wicked Creek F-QQ5N Brawl – Dreaded Batphone Edition

    Big fight in F-QQ5N, I will try to update this thread as things happen. A timer came up, FraternityDOT formed a Maelstrom fleet, the other side escalated things, right now as it stands: SIDE A FraternityDOT DARKNESS. TRI SIDE B TEST FCON HORDE GSF Live Stream Twitch Streamer FearTheAsian117 has a stream up with pretty…

  • Eve Valkyrie – Warzone: First Impressions

    Hello again, spacefriends! Please note: the following game review is the sole opinion of MoonBurdy. Views expressed are not necessarily shared by EveNews24 or any EveNews24 staff other than me. On Tuesday, the 26th of September, CCP launched Eve Valkyrie – Warzone. No longer a VR only property, Eve Valkyrie – Warzone is now available…

  • Breaking: Fiend down in Placid – 150 bil in the red.

    Today marks the third Fiend class ship to go down, the Fiend is a Sansha pirate faction special edition cruiser given out as prizes to the winners of the last EVE Online alliance tournament. As such, these unique and limited edition ships tend to be insanely expensive and quite difficult to come by. The market…

  • Poor Judgement

    The following is a submission received by Seraph IX Basarab. His connection to and position of diplomat inside of Circle of Two alongside gives a unique perspective of the Judge and his motivations during his recent betrayal of Gigx and the members of Co2. This is an opinion piece and as such represents the views…

  • The Cosmopewlitan: EVE Gate demise afterthoughts

    Today CCP Games finally pulled the plug on EVE Gate, its once touted capsuleer social media experiment. For those new players who never had a chance to experience the magic of EVE gate, it was basically a communication platform that allowed members to log and read their EVE online character mails and friends feed status…

  • The Cosmopewlitan: EVE Gate demise afterthoughts

    Today CCP Games finally pulled the plug on EVE Gate, its once touted capsuleer social media experiment. For those new players who never had a chance to experience the magic of EVE gate, it was basically a communication platform that allowed members to log and read their EVE online character mails and friends feed status…

  • * Leak * – FCON Alliance meeting summary.

    Eve News 24 received the following leak which is a recording of FCON’s most recent alliance meeting. After a summer of disintegrating diplomatic conditions FCON/Phoenix Federation who allied with and are now part of the DRFs ‘Super-Coalition’ are at war with Triumvirate.  The recording and some highlights are summarized before.   – There is a…

  • Join the Team: EN24 Staff Openings (Writers)

    EN24 is doing an open call for writers, storytellers, and reporters interested in making internet spaceship news an integral part of their Eve Online experience. We are seeking writers and staff from all regions and segments of New Eden (i.e. ‘Null-Sec’, ‘High-Sec’, ‘Low-Sec’, Faction Warfare, Industry, PvP, PvE, etc). It is our hope to provide…

  • PSA: EVE Gate Shutdown – Wednesday September 27th

    As part of our roadmap to overhaul the web presence of EVE Online, we’ve come to the decision to retire EVE Gate as we move to fully replace the forum and community engagement software that we use. After the discovery of a critical issue with EVE Gate last week, we’ve decided to bring forward the…