Tag: EVE News 24

  • Breaking: Caedes prize ship lost from suitcase Naglfar during Derelik transit…

    Today around 7 PM EVE time, a Naglfar dreadnought was caught on the Berta gate in the Bekirdod system (Derelik region) and quickly assaulted by an 11-strong Purple Helmeted Warriors [PHEW] capital fleet, aka the infamous REKKINGCREW… Not world-shaking news, except for the stunning drop from its ship hangar: the Naglfar was carrying not only…

  • PSA: EVE Vegas 2017 – An Update After Last Night’s Events

    This morning, the EVE Vegas team awoke to the terrible news surrounding the Mandalay Bay attack that occurred on the Las Vegas strip last night. First and foremost, we would like to offer our deepest sympathies and condolences to the families and friends of those lost during this senseless act of violence, and wish a…

  • Space Pope Issues Emancipation Proclamation

    Maximilian Singularity VI, Pope of New Eden, is no stranger to shaking the heavens. Rumor has it that his denunciation of Empress Jamyl Sarum led, directly or indirectly, to her death and replacement. Now the Space Pope has prodded the monarchy of Amarr yet again. The Space Pope has long been a proponent of roleplay…

  • New Guristas Capitals on Singularity

    Yesterday, 3 new Faction Capitals appeared on the Sisi Test Server. At present, nothing is guaranteed about these ships, not even the name and all the facts and figures listed below are subject to change by CCP without warning. Couple of interesting things about these which jumped out at me … Firstly, they all receive…

  • Pod and Planet Contest Launches

    In a ‘verse full of snake oil, genuine opportunities stand out. The Pod and Planet fiction contest opened today, a contest that has paid out billions in isk and ships to writers of all backgrounds. Judges include CCP Falcon and CCP Delegate Zero from the EVE storyline group. Some of the winners have produced insightful, publication-quality…

  • EN24 Video Contest: The Final Four

    The following is the finale of the EN24 Video contest we have been running in partnership with JohnDrees. We would like to thank him and all the participants for their effort and work Hello, for the past few weeks several of your fellow pilots have been working towards the creation of video entries for a…

  • Our Caps will blot out the sun! – XVV-21 Fortizar “Battle”

    Immensea Region, XVV-21 System … The evening of 29/09/2017. A Fortizar class Citadel belonging to FCON which had twice been reinforced by Pandemic Legion was due to enter it’s structure timer. Both sides formed for what everyone expected to be a big battle. I don’t think anybody was prepared for the armada formed by the…

  • BREAKING – The Initiative. intercepts Keepstar evac

    There are bad days, and then there are days when you get popped while trying to rescue an alliance’s pride and joy. triggerman Onzo, of Mercenary Coalition, experienced the latter. A task force from The Initiative. destroyed his Charon and torched its three-hundred-billion-isk cargo: one Keepstar. Onzo had scooped the Keepstar as Mercenary Coalition scrambled…

  • Faction Warfare: It’s dead Jim, but not as we know it…

    Note: This is the first in – Bob willing – a series of updates on the state of the Amarr-Minmatar and Caldari-Gallente factional warfare zones in low sec. So, is faction warfare dead yet? Well, if you believe a whole slew of Reddit and the EVE Online forum threads then yes, it went the way…

  • The Cosmopewlitan: Dusting off New Eden.

    This week marked the launch of EVE Valkyrie for both non-VR PC and PlayStation 4 platforms. We are currently working on a proper review of the game, but I feel the opportunity is great to have a conversation about a long forgotten staple of the EVE Online universe. DUST 514 Yes, there is no doubt…