Month: February 2018

  • Follow Up: Continued Action in 9-4RP2 (Cloud Ring)

    The major battle at 9-4RP2 may be over. But the war drags on. On the 23rd of January, Imperium forces were turned back from the Keepstar. The loss was hardly devastating, but it was decisive. They retreated, and the Keepstar repaired. Sure, there were …

  • Bugsmashers!

    While Mark Abent is out (presumably on some sort of highly classified secret mission), Max Hung bravely steps in to combat a bug that generates free fuel while flying. Will he smash it, much to the chagrin of budget-conscious pilots everywhere? Wat…

  • Starport Status Update

    This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference. The following starports are on the brink of closure: Witt Station, Michel Evangelisti Settlement, Hodack

  • The Cup: Part One

    Newcomer Hypatia Darring faces fierce competition and unexpected obstacles after landing the pole position at the Murray Cup.

  • PSA: Call for CSM 13 Candidates!

    Citizens of New Eden, In this blog we will lay out the timeline for the CSM 13 elections and the submission details that candidates for CSM 13 need to read carefully. Please join the discussion thread after you’ve memorized the contents. The Council of Stellar Management is a proud, old institution with deep roots in…

  • Meet the North: Panfam

    Introduction  As you may have seen a couple of days ago, EN24 is running a short series breaking down the North. The first installment, covering GOTG, is out already. Now, we turn to PanFam. PanFam is made up of Pandemic Legion and Pandemic Horde. Nort…

  • Ram Tah Searching for New Guardian Sites

    The engineer Ram Tah, a leading expert on the mysterious Guardians, has requested help in locating undiscovered sites from the ancient alien race. He has issued the following statement: “The artefacts recently delivered to me have been subjected to in…

  • This Week in Star Citizen

  • Calling All Devs

  • Interview with Jin’taan: Providence, TEST and Strategic Vision

    EN24 sat down with Jin’taan to discuss his recent exit from Provibloc (read his leaving statement here), and the more general state of affairs concerning the conflict in Providence. Jin’taan is a well known and respected player, currently serving on th…